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I Forge Iron

Score!!! I am so excited!

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A neighbor across the street used to be a machinist, so I ambled over and asked if he had a largeish piece of steel I could use for a small post anvil. He said he did and got it for me. Its 2.5"x2.75"x15". Also I recieved in the mail today a 1.5# straight peen and a 2.5# angle peen (right handed) from a member of this site. We were talking in the site's chat and found out we are both ex-millitary. So, he said he would send them to me all at his own expence because we were brothers in arms. He made them both. so now i have 3 hammers. My cheap store bought, these two, a vice, some files and my little post anvil, woo hoo. Small cheap forge build next. Oh I need to get to the local hardware store for a bucket and some concrete. I am so excited. Darn, I wish I had a digital camera.

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Thanks Francis, I would do that but right this moment I'm in Kansas for a while. My mother is very, very ill and I'm caring for her. I will look up the group on the web though, I remember they have a site up. Thanks for reminding me.

I went to the store and got a small bucket and some concrete, tomorrow I will set it in and start looking for a piece of round stock I can put through one of the holes thats in it for a small horn or bick. Can't hardly wait!!! :)

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For all the thought a concerns about my mom. Unfortunately she is terminal. It's a matter of time now. How long is anyones guess, including hospice.

I don't know how long things will take and have planned to be here for a while. After, I am moving to Alaska. I would still enjoy meeting anyone, anywhere, anytime. Currently I am in Wichita, Ks.

Thanks, Iron-Wood. I wonder how many people understand your Fe? Anyway I have a little trip to plan to the pluming supply today for black iron pipe. Its forge time. :D It's going to be as simple as I can make it. An old hibachi, a piece of iron pipe with holes drilled in it. Some fire place bricks. A hair drier. Some chunk charcoal. It may cost $15 but I doubt it, probably less.

The anvil is in the bucket curing. Its very soft what ever its made of ..low carbon whatever or cast...but i don't believe cast, I don't see the signs of that.

Anyway thanks for all the great responses...this is an awesome forum, and I'm learning by leaps and bounds. It's a heck of allot of fun.

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Love the enthusiasm!

Keep at it, you'll be amazed how quickly you start climbing the learning curve with that kind of passion for learning the craft.

Hats off to you for what you're doing for your mom and may her passing be one of ease.

Keep us up to date on how everything is going!

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Its great to have something so positive next to something so hard. I went through what your going through with my mom not long ago....Still recovering...

Sounds like you have the makings of a fine forge/smithy.

Funny about the Fe, you are only the second person on this forum to comment on it. Glad you got it!

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Thank you chyancarrek and Fe-Wood. Your thoughts and best wishes mean allot.

Well, had to put off getting the forge materials aside today, hopefully I can get things for it tomorrow. Kind of a bummer. But, on the bright side the post anvil is curring and i know where I can get the right sized iron pipe. So, all in all not a lost day. I also found a steel supplier not far from here. Going to see if I can pick up some drops or end pieces for cheap or free out of the scrap pile.

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This isn't 100% of everything I have. But these are the basics I'm going to be useing. Next thing is the forge. I have a design in mind just need the materials. I'm going to keep it real real simple. A hibachi, some fire place bricks, a piece of 2" black iron pipe with a cap on one end, with a hair dryer. I think that will be very easy to put together. Charcoal for fuel. Chunk not brickette. I should be able to put that togther in the next day or two. And hopefully by the weekend I will be hammerin iron. :D


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Bryan, I started with little and after a lot of scrounging am up to a very lot:) well sorta. Hope the passing of your mother is easy, and that you are able to take care of yourself as well.
Ptree, who in the previous century wore dark green, cotton, highly starched fatiques, and was know to wear highly stached kaki's with three yellow stripes surronded by dark sage green on the short sleeves of same. A while later wore polyester/cotton perma-press fatiques, in Kentucky on the weekends. Then AF blue on weekends, and ended up wearing BDU's. But then that was in the previous century:)

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im sorry, i know this post has nothing to do with this thread... but i was just very suprised about seeing that there even where any florida smiths. MRobb would you send me a private message' im going to be in tampa in about a week... wondering if a stop by would be welcome

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement. I am having fun getting things together. I contacted Central Plains Steel today and the sales lady, who was very gracious, is going to get together some scrap for me tomorrow morning and give me a call. She said most of it will be A36. I explained what I was doing and she was happy to help. I am sure I will have to pay something for it, but, with scrap prices so low right now I know I can afford it. I'm not worried about if its good for much other than learning with. I really don't know. I think I should be able to make some things and teach myself some with it. I wont need much to start with.

Thank you very much again, Ptree for your thoughts for my mom and me. Yes, I am taking care of myself, eating right, staying strong for her.

Your exactly right chyancarrek, I've seen many a carpenter who had tons of very expencive tools, that didn't know the pointy end of the nail goes down. I worked in construction for alot of years doing alot of things. I've seen real craftsmen at work, I do not claim to be one of them. But I ain't bad. ;)

Thanks rokshasa, I am having fun. I will see tomorrow when get the habachi and other stuff together for the forge what I need to get. I also saw in my travels today a big scrap yard and an old country antique place that is part of a farm. Blacksmithing tools? Who knows, but I will find out. Its like a big scavanger hunt. I would think there would be allot of old blacksmithing tools in Kansas on farms. Lots of farms in the area.

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I like your "git er done" style Bryan.

The hibachi will work just fine, I had one till a few years ago I used as a traveling forge occasionally.

I lost my Mother last December and though it was rather sudden I did get a chance to see her before she passed. You and your Mom will be in my prayers.

Have we talked about moving to AK? I know someone mentioned it recently but I don't recall who. Anyway, if you're moving to the Anchorage area I'm close please feel free to get in touch.


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Thank you Frosty, yes that was me, I will be moving to the North Pole/Fairbanks area. I know thats allittle ways from you but I had planned on looking you up for sure. And thanks for the thoughts and prayers.

Will be working on the forge today and tomorrow. I had thought mom had one but apparently it was absconded. They are cheep. I'll go to the local hardware and pick one up. Get some fire place bricks and some pipe today to.

"Git er done" :D

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I got this just alittle while ago at a local antique store. He wanted $50 for it but settled for $45. It's rusty, but has no pits, opens and closes fully, if alittle stiffly. Has some paint on it. I will clean it up with a rotory wire brush. I'm kind of leary about taking it apart. I deffinately dont want to break the bolts and would like to keep it in as close to original condition as I can. I can see the bolts are rusted on pretty good.




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