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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by pnut

  1. Glad you made it through it. I don't know if you're a dog person or not but I had a neighbor who was having a very hard time with diabetes. He has a pump but still kept crashing and having seizures and ketoacidosis etc until he got a service dog that alerts him when his blood sugar is getting too low or high. If you'd like I can try to get in contact with them and PM you the details about the foundation he got the dog through. Pnut
  2. All of the hooks I tried it on have been given away. It's basically a black oxide finish. You can try it out on a small piece of steel. It's really pretty quick to do. It looks like a forged piece that's been coated with BLO and wax while hot. If you're going to be forging the piece it's really not necessary as it will be black anyway. Just coat it with an oil/wax finish at a black heat. Pnut
  3. You can post directly. At the bottom of the comment text box is an attachment icon. Please be sure to resize them though as there are members around the world some have to pay for every Kb of data or use slow connections. Welcome aboard. Pnut
  4. Here is something and someone I found fascinating. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oLHTBNPoZCI Pnut
  5. Shipwrights tool? Looks halfway between an adze and an axe like you could use it for making a dado. Seems strange one end isn't for striking though. Pnut
  6. Here you go. Just PM Glenn. https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/61871-kast-o-lite-30/ Pnut
  7. I'm pretty sure that's the motto on their badges. It's in Latin in some jurisdictions though. Depends on where you're at. Pnut
  8. I thought I was posting to a thread about forging in town. I was confused. I'm in Grant County. It's about 40 miles north of Louisville. Let me know if you get up this way. I got some family in Perry Letcher and Pike counties. I get down there every so often. Pnut
  9. Matthew, I just looked at the website again and the forge you're looking at has K-26 soft insulating firebrick for the walls and ceiling and dense ceramic for the floor. Frosty is right that you won't need a rigidizer. I don't know if K-26 firebrick will stand up to thermal cycling better with a layer of castable refractory or not. You may want to ask. I'm not exactly sure what they mean by dense ceramic for the floor either. That's somewhat vague if you ask me. Pnut
  10. The ceramic fiberboard is only used on the series three forges. Series one is blanket and I'm not sure if the series two uses blanket and soft insulating firebrick or just soft insulating firebrick. The cheapest one with the fiberboard are over $400. Correction, the series three forges start at $365 but it is a tiny forge that would be hard to use for a lot of things. Pnut
  11. Keep us posted on how you like it and what you make with it. I'm seriously considering the series 3 two burner blacksmith forge. It's a bit more expensive but it looks like it can be relined easier. Pnut
  12. Maybe. The fun police in my neighborhood has their HQ right next door to me. I don't know who they are where you live. Maybe the HOA? Maybe the people across the street? They could be anyone, anywhere, and show up at anytime. All it takes is someone enjoying themselves a little too much and they're liable to make an appearance. Hopefully your parade will be rain free. Pnut I'm just fooling around. The neighbors complained about me forging so the landlord told me I have to quit for a while. It was actually a dispute between my landlord and the neighbor. I was collateral damage or just a convenient reason for the neighbors to complain to the county. You shouldn't have any problems if you don't violate any ordinances or HOA rules. I thought this was a thread titled starting a home forge. I had the two confused.
  13. I just now got to where I have a good enough connection to see the picture and I would be afraid to use that hammer. I would err on the side of safety. Sharp high velocity metal projectiles can be bad news. Pnut
  14. I appreciate you taking the time to share information with everyone. You've helped me on many occasions and many times by answering a question or replying to a comment that someone else asked. Pnut
  15. I had the makings for one of those but didn't get a chance to put it together before the fun police ruined my day. Pnut
  16. Are you allowed to grill out? If so build a jabod and use a grill instead of a box. I guess a grill of dirt instead of just a box of dirt, but anyways if you're allowed to grill outside lump charcoal makes a perfectly good fuel and it doesn't really smoke after it's lit. If you make your forge from a grill if anyone shows up you can honestly say you're grilling out if you have a pack of hot dogs in sight. Pnut
  17. That's economy of motion. He didn't waste any movements. Pnut
  18. Doing fire demo one of the other employees hammer chipped and a piece entered the front of his bicep and was just barely poking out above his elbow. It traveled like a bullet. Pnut
  19. I missed the editing time window, but I should have said a hand cranked blower makes it hardER to burn up your work. This is the buffco blower before I cleaned it up, and there's a picture of the double action mattress pump in the MarkIII jabod thread. The buffalo blower will blow the charcoal right out of the firepot if I crank it too fast. Pnut
  20. Yep. I think I've seen one last time, quite a few times. Pnut
  21. When I first built my jabod I used an AC matress inflator from Walmart. I then bought a hand pumped mattress inflator. They both worked but if you forget to turn off the electric pump it burns up fuel for no reason and it also burns steel easier. I got a buffalo hand cranked blower and I love it. I use charcoal so it only takes about six turns a minute to forge and eight or nine to weld and like IDF&C said it burns less fuel and makes it hard to burn up your work. Pnut
  22. Ceramic fiberboard or you could cast something from Kast-O-lite 30 or a similar product. You may if you haven't already, want to rigidize and coat that blanket with castable refractory. The stuff that comes with the forge that they call rigidizer looks like a refractory coating and not a colloidal silica rigidizer. Pnut
  23. An expanded steel shelf under the forge is a good place to put hot steel to cool. Pnut
  24. If I had no restrictions on size and the funds I would buy a water cooled side blast forge. If money is an issue I would recommend these links. I have forge welded in my charcoal fueled jabod. https://www.iforgeiron.com/topic/44842-just-a-box-of-dirt-or-a-simple-side-blast-forge/ If you have to have a fabricated forge you can build one of these in a couple hours and start forging while you're designing a fabbed up forge. You might find you don't need anything more than a jabod though. I've used one for around a year and been completely happy with it's performance. Welcome aboard be safe and remember it's supposed to be fun. Pnut
  25. You should look into the author of "Gone to Texas" the book the movie was based on. Pretty interesting. Forrest Carter was the name he used for the first part of his life. Pnut
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