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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. Those grabbers are cool. Thanks for posting photo's. I love homemade tools/stuff, the older the better. Still digging around for those baling wire grabbers. If they got lost moving I will be upset.
  2. I like the colors on the grasshopper Das. I painted a couple of my sculptues once and regreted it (never again.....) Just a personal choice. And I like the guitar too.
  3. Claws, magnets, suction cups, what will they think of next? How about adding toenail clippers? No more bending over.....
  4. Billy, I never heard of or have seen a wooden one. Very cool. My Grandpa made a simple pair of grabbers for lightweight stuff out of bailing and spring wire for Grandma. It's around here somewhere and I will take a photo of it. Several pairs of tweezers too. I suppose I am to hard on plastics, they are light weight and ideal for just the uses you describe. The ones I showed are pretty heavey...
  5. I bet he appreciates that..... We used to have a rescue doberman that would chase tennis balls rolled intentionally under the sofa. She would go right under after it, and it was fun watching the couch bounce around until she found it. She was a younger dog then, though. The only thing that grabber lacks is a spring return to open it back up.
  6. I don't admire people by how smart they are or seem to be. I don't value IQ tests, it was an easy thing to toss into the conversation when talking about AI. I wouldn't want to be judged that way. Everybody has something to offer and I like to look for it.
  7. Thank heavens. I know there are all kinds of intelligence. I was pretty much joking as usual, but I detect an underlying learning experience. Care to explain?
  8. Did they say if there was an IQ cut off? I'm probably safe.
  9. They sell rubber chuck key holders you can attach most anywhere, including corded drills if they don't have a molded in one. A lot of people have keys that get lost. I seem to accumulate them. I don't know from where they come. I use weak string to hang them from my presses.
  10. " The AI program has a high level accuracy when translating formal Akkadian texts such as royal decrees or omens that follow a certain pattern. More literary and poetic texts, such as letters from priests or tracts, were more likely to have “hallucinations” – an AI term meaning that the machine generated a result completely unrelated to the text provided." You have to wonder. "weaponry that is motorized like a small tank with automatic machine guns. The weapon operates without any human intervention and can decide friend or foe and engage the target. Now that's scary." Introducing, AI "hallucinations"....
  11. I was unboxing some stuff from the move and came across this, it was in with a bunch of homemade machettes. My Grandma gave it to my mom and she gave it to me knowing how I like old things. Call it a glommer, grabber, picker upper, what have you. It's got rivits..... I wish I could use banned language to describe the cheap plastic junk they sell today. You can't even tear that "stuff" apart to fix it. Those plastic squirt bottles squirt twice and quit. I tried taking one apart and it's impossible without sawing. No wonder the landfills are bursting at the seams.
  12. I am very sorry to hear of his passing and I am sad I missed the opportunity to meet and know him in person. Memories and his legacy will live on in the hearts and minds of all who knew him. His wisdom and good humour were very special, and I will miss them. My thoughts and prayers go out to you, Thomas, your family and many, many friends. Scott
  13. I would be mighty disappointed if you could.... Okay, no footage of food moving around on a plate.
  14. I like it. It's a bit more edgy than the NC bluegrass I've been exposed to though, since I moved here. I went to a "blue grass" barn dance recently and it was toe tapping, get up and dance stuff. They served some bad food though. I have a video of it and thought of making a utube clip but don't want to hijack anymore threads.
  15. Food manufacturing and packing plants are a good source for ss scrap, somebodies always pushing the wrong button and breaking something..... It's hard to access but with the right approach, there are ways. Same as getting into scrapyards these days....
  16. Thanks. Sometimes I pound those smaller wood/brace bits flat, they make good mustachios for faces... They look like Yukon Cornelius mustaches....
  17. We had a lake in Nebraska I used to fish in called Horseshoe lake that was said to be formed when Babe stepped in a soft spot when Paul moved him to Wyoming after grazing Kansas down to the ground.
  18. I like that saw and the old metal spring clamp, among other things. Not bad for 20 bux....
  19. Awesome sculpture. What did you use for that piece on top of the bell? Is that part of a bearing cage? Now I have been reading about jellies. Interesting creatures. I found this on wikipedia: "researchers found a jellyfish species called Cassiopea xamachana which when triggered will release tiny balls of cells that swim around the jellyfish stinging everything in their path. Researchers described these as "self-propelling microscopic grenades" Keep up the good work!
  20. Sigh.... This has bugged me since I read it. I hate to be critical because I have done things that could have hurt me or killed me, probably. But never over and over on purpose. How much time and money are you going to save getting those fingers sewed back on, if possible? Your work looks fantastic but your method is dubious. Upgrading your wiring for a plasma might be a better idea.
  21. Fruitfull day at the fleamarket, Aric. I sometimes throw in a few extra $ as well, just because. I got a good deal on a scale recently and the ladies junk shop will be getting my business in the future. It depends on who your dealing with. I've always liked the word lagniappe. It goes both ways and it creates good will.
  22. IT looked pretty two dimensional to me.
  23. I'll tell you what I know about excavators. Not much. I hired a guy to dig a storm shelter on the farm, as I only had a mobile home with no basement. If a bad storm came through I would jump in the pit well and hope for the best, but I met a wonderful woman with a young son that moved in with me so that wouldn't do anymore. Anyway, he let me at the controls for a little while and it was great fun. Powerful machinery usually is. We wound up buying a house in town so the cellar never got finished and I just turned it into a big burn hole. I almost burned up my Ford tractor in it once. I also got to ride on a bulldozer when I was young when my dad borrowed one to dig a rather big fish pond. The pond eventually leaked onto the neighbors hog lot. It was built too close to the property line and required a dike. This caused a long standing fued even though he repaired it quickly. It was a long time ago, but IIRC he got tons of bentonite clay to plug it from trainload that wrecked nearby. I got permission to salvage junk at that wrecksite for years. I don't think I will be building that big of a potato patch, but I have to clear some trees for another purpose and will keep that all in mind. I cut a lot of trees down back on the farm but here they are twice as tall and no matter which way they fall, they are bound to cause a problem. As far as roots go, there is not a spot where you can drive a shovel in more than half a blade. They were thick on the driveway and sticking out like speed bumps. I dug around them and sawed them off with a sawzall. We found a place to buy "natural" compost by the truck load and I'm making my own. Meat you say? I met a guy that is doing compost "tea" and he throws fish in it. You should smell it. WOW! It burn your nose hairs out. An electrician that did our house is also a hunter and throws the offal in the pile, lol. He offered but, I'll pass..... I'm starting cautiously with the tea thing with shrimp shells...
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