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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. Tread lightly, my friend.
  2. Is that picture old? It look's well preserved.
  3. Jump on in, the waters fine! Have you a culinary delight you would like to contribute? Anything goes. I'm taking notes.
  4. Put one foot in front of the other And soon you'll be walking 'cross the floor...
  5. Scott NC

    Hyd press help

    Is there a full moon out tonight?
  6. Store it. Chop a section off when you need it. Ideas present themselves in due time. You might want to make a Guillotine tool in the future and need a solid frame. Perfect! Or you may develop a passion for making dragon headed walking canes. Who knows. I would stick with the sawzall though, angle grinders and cut off discs can be unforgiving.
  7. Sprinkle a light dusting of that smoked Ghost Pepper powder on the crust before you fire it. It will warm your gizzard... What is your all time favorite toppings? Vulans Grill here we come.
  8. Here is my main shop/house/dog park boss. She's a Carolina Swamp Dog. All our hounds are rescues and she is no exception. Don't look into those eyes for too long....
  9. I hereby take back calling Alien a troll. Strictly for legal reasons....
  10. Even I know enough about blacksmithing to recognize a Troll.... Lol... Alien...
  11. Fruit woods. Peach, pear, apple, what have you.. Poke a lot of holes in the tin foil so the smoke can do it's job. Old pizza pans work even better. Smoke/cook until they get really broken down and slimey. Wood fired pizza and it's crust cannot be beaten!
  12. What is the reasoning supporting this? Can you summarize? I can't read until later.
  13. Try putting them on a piece of tin foil then on to the smoker! Low fire for hours, dehydrate, then grind as usual. Wow! Be careful!
  14. "WE HAVE THE MEATS" is seared into my brain. Maybe I should cut the cord?
  15. Try mixing 2 heaping tablespoons of my world famous Trinidadian Habenero Sauce with 1/2 cup of mayo for a taste sensation. It's really not hot, I blanch, de-seed and vein the chilis. I sometimes use Mirxxle Whxp instead. I am uncouth from time to time.
  16. Ahh.. Haggis. Can you please expound on the ripe, buried chicken business, it sounds promising. Thomas, get some new choppers if you are having trouble gnawing through pecan pie. Please...??? I have to get some bottom ones soon and may have to resort to Amaretto myself.
  17. Moms are special, dear people. Charles, I said a prayer tonight for her, you and all your family. Scott.
  18. I had to google this one. It sounds delishious! I even looked up lardon. I got the vin part but Coq I'm not so sure about.
  19. I think you are right about the fence pliers. What you have with the second example may be an early pair of mig welding pliers. A gripper for the nozzel, a tip grabber onto'er and a file on the end for getting out stubborn sputterballs. I cant tell if it has a wire cutter for nipping the end or not. The striking parts might be for beating on/deforming the nozzel when all else fails. I may be wrong. A frankentool if there ever was one!
  20. Now it gets interesting.... You called it up above, my friend! This one has a value added feature Rockstar, a saw for cutting away timbers or trapped appendages in the event of a cave-in.
  21. Well, I never read the fine print/patent descriptions on these things, too convoluted and I start getting migraines. I personally think its a well thought out design, however, I would have made the tooth extraction hook on the handle end in a different fashion. Personal preferance. Nothing like an impacted tooth out on the range. I agree, the hinged spork must have been a game changer for it's time and probably propelled our friend Loudon to infamy. I am getting called to supper (it's frog leg night) so I will continue later...
  22. Out putting up fence you say? Whip this baby out and go to work! These images are great fun, but I would like to collect the real thing! Like hens teeth... I shall google them George.
  23. Good point Glenn, and probably why they all fizzled out as a going concern. With the exception of a large crescent wrench, which can do double duty as a hammer. In a pinch. Sometimes. Well....
  24. In days gone by, if you needed it, Sears and Roebuck had it. All hand/horse/muscle powered though. Maybe thats the origination of some of these tools. You were so wore out from working, who wants to go looking for a tool? "Thar she is, attached right to my spud wrench" I wish you had pictures of those Roman eating utencils...
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