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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by TWISTEDWILLOW

  1. Wait just a minute… Isn’t this how the story of the titanic started?
  2. It’s surprising how big of a bruise those horns can leave! i highly recommend looking into acquiring talisman of protection to keep the chypsy anvils curse at bay!
  3. Those are pretty cool! that electric honey extractor is the only way to go! They save a lot of time!
  4. What he gonna think when you get these industrial 220v fans hung up in your rafters?
  5. Beware The chypsy anvils curse!!! It was cursed long ago, to forever wander from place to place in search of an unsuspecting blacksmith who would unwittingly invite it into his unsuspecting smithy! where it waits quietly in silence to one day Bite you in the leg with the point of its horn when you least expect it!
  6. He might’ve been better off carrying a dog whistle in his pocket
  7. Only problem is it’d take up a bunch more space to store 8 tons vs 1 ton!
  8. Lol I wasn’t gonna say anything but Scott sent me one as well, I’m gonna hang it up in the house when ash ain’t looking an see what she says when she finds it!
  9. Because he smoked cigars an wore a cool hat?
  10. It’s not a big deal we all get moderated once in awhile and get the occasional warning, just don’t use the quote feature for a quote before yours and when you do use it just highlight the part your wanting to quote instead of the entire post, It uses excessive bandwidth unnecessarily so when we can we try to do our part to keep it down, you’ll be alright! it just takes a little bit to get a feel for how everything operates around here,
  11. I wonder if after you chase the rough honey comb pattern out if you couldn’t use a dremel tool to do the finishing work an save a day of filing? they make a million different little bits for those things I’d think there'd be one that would be perfect to get in there clean it up an make it look nice
  12. I realize that one ton of coal doesn’t produce one ton of coke but if a body was able to buy 8 tons of coal for the same or less then one ton of coke I’d think you’d still come out on top but I could be wrong
  13. That’s pretty cool Scott! To bad the other end doesn’t work, I thought someone had taken the time to drill out a real wrench an stick a pen cartridge in there
  14. I understand and agree with your point Thomas, I don’t know diddly about Australia or what fuel sources are available there, but that doesn’t mean that coal isn’t worth looking into right? if coal is available and if it cost less which it always does then why not look into it as a alternative fuel source? that’s all I’m sayin
  15. $1200 AU a tonne?!? Holy guacamole! That seems pretty steep to me what about switching to coal an making your own coke? Would that be cheaper?
  16. Oh cause that’s so much better! Cheaper freight! 9 months of warm weather, lower cost of living, easier an cheaper access to rusty blacksmithing tools, not fighting a moose for the veggies in my garden! not fighting a polar bear for the meat on my grill when I’m cookin out! An who needs rain gear? Just wait five minutes in Oklahoma an the weather changes lol
  17. I dunno it looks more like a belly ach to me
  18. Thomas, If you shoot a tube a grease outta that thing point it west! I don’t want that mess spraying over here!
  19. You’ll spend a lot less time an burn a lot less fuel just drawing out the reins a little, shaping on the jaws and putting a rivet in them, then you will starting from scratch with 3/4” or 1” stock an forging them out with no prior experience, so yes I’d say they are worth the ten or twelve bucks apiece, you don’t need 40 different sets of tongs just starting out, a handful of basic ones, an then you can use them to help you build the others as you learn! i only suggest kens because you mentioned possibly buying tongs an they are relatively cheap,
  20. In that case I vote we make North Carolina to be Be the capital of Antarctica!
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