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Everything posted by TWISTEDWILLOW

  1. As hard as it is to get and keep help currently, I don’t think many employers care about tattoos, unnatural hair, and a host of other things anymore, if the person shows up, does their job and makes the business a profit I think it’s getting to be more about the results that someone can accomplish rather then what their personal looks are like, I know I’ll hire almost anything here that is breathing, isn’t on meth, has a drivers license, transportation and a cell phone! I don’t even care if their human! Lol as far as the quiet ones go I ain’t got much to say about them other then maybe they felt the same way as you did that a email could have summed it all up an the meeting was a waste of time?
  2. Don’t be silly Jerry, There’s no mines in Adair county! that what we need all the pennies for!
  3. If he cant find ya one up there, come over to my end of the state they are everywhere,
  4. I’m sorry to hear that Thomas, I’ll ring my anvil for him too,
  5. johnwisely3190 howdy from eastern Oklahoma and welcome to the forum! were ya from? To answer your question this wonderful heavy giant cable splicing vise is located next to a cow field in peavine outside the greater metropolitan area of Stilwell Oklahoma! Strawberry capital of the world! is it for sale? I dunno, maybe, depends on how many pennies you got saved up or what ya got to swap! Lol if your really interested then you can send me a pm an we can talk, now for more questions, how come y’all don’t just order a new one for your shop? What kinda work do y’all do that ya need a monster cable splicing vise? More importantly is there some kinda market I don’t know about for giant old John a roebling cable splicing vises? Your the second guy now in just a few months that’s hopped on here asking about it
  6. I’ve seen some folks around here use old semi cabs as tree houses for their kids
  7. I dunno if me ash an max will make it or not, if we can’t I’m hoping Thomas will pick me up a big cone mandrel while he’s there!
  8. Ive known a lot of people who drove truck but I Never heard anyone call their sleepers dog houses, you got me curious too Jerry?
  9. Might be true! we got robot vacuum cleaners now!
  10. Lol your probably right Scott! a thousand years from now a new Indiana Jones will be digging up a structure an find happy meal toy!
  11. We only use our wells to water the garden and livestock it’s not plumbed into the house, we got rural water for that, I know where that line ends, it’s a couple hundred feet across my goat field before ya get down to the holler, I found it several years ago by accident, that’s how I know it’s really deep an that it’s a 4” line, I was down there with a tractor and accidentally uncovered it, it only drained when the washer or laundry room sink ran that’s how I knew what it was for, I recovered that line an ive made sure for years to keep everything mowed down so no tree or bushes grow anywhere near it an clog it up with roots,
  12. Thanks Thomas! Now imma have to cruise CL to see if I can find a reefer unit!
  13. Hey now that’s not a bad idea! i dunno about a shower but it’d definitely be handy for a deep sink to wash off oil an grease!
  14. If ya think about it half the stuff made 50 years ago was made outta plastic, that woulda just been in the 1970s,
  15. I picked one up just last winter at a junk shop just over in Arkansas for $35 an the guy threw in a pair of tongs,
  16. I still vote for the diesel powered reefer unit! set that dude at a low idle an it’ll run forever on a gallon, of course as humid as it is here I’d have to hook up a drain line for the condensation run off, guess I could always hook a hose to it an water the flowers!
  17. A fancy suit like that wouldn’t last 10 minutes in my shop! Lol i wonder how much one would cost?
  18. Well after digging up half the yard and finding two gas lines, three water lines, an one power line I finally found this big underground pot / bucket lookin thing, It has a steel line comin out from underneath the house hooked into it, I checked an that comes from the washing machine drain, the odd thing is I found a relatively new pipe coming out the top that starts around the backside of the house, I have no clue what it’s for because there’s nothing back there to drain off, An the big 4” main drain pipe runs south down hill an it’s way deep under ground, below the underground bucket thing, so I don’t know what that one pipe was for it just runs to nowhere an it’s not very deep underground, I cut an T’d into the drain lines under the house, dug a trench along the house an made sure to taper it so the pipe gradually went down hill, i ran a line to that underground pot thing the washer drains into, I now have the sinks draining good again!!! Probably wasn’t the right way to do it but it worked, and it’s not dumping water under my house like those morons had it setup so imma call that a win for now, we haven’t had use of the sinks or laundry in days so I had to get something goin, been moving stuff back into place, trying to get the house half usable, both me an ash gotta get back to work tomorrow so we will slowly be re situating the house a little at a time all this week, I’ll take your suggestion Charles an I’ll look into getting a second septic tank for the gray water an run all the gray water lines to it, Im gonna leave the current black water septic tank alone because I’m afraid if I go monkeying around with it I’ll mess it up and end up with more problems
  19. My smithy is open air but I have considered rigging up a diesel powered reefer unit off a semi trailer to the side of my repair shop with a 500 gallon fuel tank tower! ive heard those things can keep a freezer trailer down to -30, that sounds like it’d be nice on these 106 degree days with 90 percent humidity! Lol
  20. That’s interesting maybe it’s just around here that people did that then, The house was built around 1950 I dunno what’s all original an what they added during the last “remodel” if i could call it that.. my wife’s been getting claustrophobic in here the last few years and now with max even I admit it’s getting to be a little crowded, we’ve talked about finding another house that’s bigger, I’ve been dragging my feet with the idea but now after finding this stuff I’m starting to think we might be better off lol But we still got about 2 years left before we got the mortgage paid off here, so I’d like to get that loan paid off before getting another one, this was our first house that either of use had bought, so we didn’t know any better about getting inspections or what to look for, I’ll make for sure the next go around to get a couple of inspections done next time, and I’ll personally crawl around an look at the wiring, plumbing, roof, floor ect.. an then I’ll call up some experts to come double check everything again lol,
  21. That’s another thing im worried about down the line, even though I live way out in the middle of nowhere, the state of Oklahoma in all their infinite knowledge has decided to rebuild hwy 59 right in front of me, and they will be cutting into my property, im terrified they are gonna hit one of my lateral lines or one of the five zillion other lines out in my yard! i Swear my luck is I could move five miles from the closest piece of civilization and some politician would come along an wanna build a bypass through my house…
  22. I have a septic system for the black water from the toilet, it’s never backed up but I’m not sure I wanna risk plumbing into to it an causing problems, the washing machine an laundry room sink Drains off down a gray water line across my southern field towards the hollar, with no trouble that’s why I’m hooking the sinks into it, I’m no plumber an don’t know what Oklahoma code is but I can say that most everyone with a old house across this county has gray water lines running off somewhere, ive even seen homes with gray water ponds that drain off the sinks, showers an washing machines, actually my old boss owned a laundromat where all the gray water ran into a pond an then we had a huge pump and sprinkler system that sprayed it over his fields, and it had to have a state inspection every year since it was a massive amount of water I think all these old houses were built before code so they were grandfathered in or something like that, because new houses aren’t built like that anymore, either that or people ignored code a 100 years ago lol
  23. I’m still fighting the plumbing, i installed auto vents under the vents but it’s still not draining right, I got aggravated this morning and made a trip to the hardware store and dropped another $100 on supplies and came home and started digging up the yard looking for the gray water line that runs off down towards the hollar, im working on bypassing everything now, imma patch into the big 4” line that drains the washer machine, so I can get the kitchen back online, I’d like to have a word or two the the feller that did the renovation but he kicked the bucket a couple months ago…
  24. Oh boy look what I done got started!
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