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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Daswulf

  1. dunno age and value depends on where you are and what it's worth to YOU. if you feel you need or want it is different from of it's just interesting to you. will you use it? or stick it in a flower bed? best to accept that you wanted it and will use it and recoup your money invested after alot of practice and some work with it.
  2. That chunk of steel looks like it'll make a great anvil.
  3. Max has a good time at target practice and the tips and pointers he gets really help him improve. once Chuck calls it quits Max is asked to help Bruno collect target, and feeling more comfortable with his group jokes with Bruno asking "So, Think we'll hit anything in the hunt?" and chuckles. Then does a Dirty Harry impression being silly saying, "it'll blow your head clean off." once back with the targets Max is asked to pick up the brass and jokes with a smile "Awe maw,.... do i have to?..." then goes and gets the bucket Chuck mentioned and picks up all the brass and puts the bucket back in the truck. Max hands chuck the rifle with the bolt open like he asked. back at the floatel, Max cleans and oils his rifle after having a coffee. Seeing Brandon being so meticulous about it he jokes with a smile quoting Full Metal Jacket "This is my rifle, There are many like it but this one is mine......." Afterward he pigs out on a good dinner. Then he hears Chuck mention he wont be around and has some time off and sais,"enjoy your time off, you deserve it after dealing with us haha. Thanks for the lessons." Later Max seeks around to see if theres a couple beers to be had. Then he heads to bed wondering what kind of fun tomorrow will bring.
  4. how it goes sometimes haha. Nice pattern you got out of it tho, and it looks like it welded well.
  5. Use the grill for grilling. You could make a simple forge from easy to obtain salvaged materials and a few small purchases. Or even from all salvaged materials. Look up "55 forge" for some ideas
  6. Sounds like a great idea.
  7. Nice job and paint work. id imagine the forge is going to get a makeover as well.
  8. (irl I'd say a plate size with a 22 at 100 yards with open sights on a 10-22. being liberal. honestly i'm not the best shot. Honestly better with my ak 47 which is sad.) Roll your dice lol. Max bought a big bad scope to be a better shot. I practice here and there when time and money permit. Max sighted his rifle at 200 yards, which was the most his gun club had distance wise. roll dice to see if he is on.Max sais to Chuck that he'd feel better with his Glock and dosnt mind a lil extra weight with the pistol and an extra mag. (30 shots total) He is intimately used to the pistol and safety there of and is worried about startling a bear after hearing about friends black bear hunting experiences in the mountains of PA..... (lol, cant see it making a difference in this at all just the way max is.) Max already brought Core Lokt 30-06 bullets in 150 grain which is what he sighted in with at home. Max isnt the best shot but Usually is on, and with his new scope can make a quarter in 100 yards and a silver dollar in 200 yards.(changed from a better shot which isnt me anyway and to make it better maybe.) Roll dice if you like. At the shooting range with whatever scope he has he hits consistently(possibly) enough for the instructor to accept it as good enough. the instructor gives him pointers and Max takes them seriously and improves.
  9. You have and would do the same if not better for us.
  10. Love to be off the beaten path myself I'm pulling for you two. We do care. Thanks for the updates.
  11. Thanks so much. I packed my guitars up when my last band broke up. Swore ide get em back out when I turn 40. Only 3 years to go. Lol
  12. Keep running good tires and check em as needed for potholes. I live in Pennsylvania. All we have are potholes and construction on our roads. Its always a road we are on. Enjoy the smooth parts. Good luck with the therapist tomorrow.
  13. (Guess I'm late to respond today. Sorry it was hectic. Barely got to poke on here and there. ) Max would have headed with the rest of the group for final outfitting. Talked with the group that went. Taking the advice he gets the vest and one of the Orange rain suits. Double checked with the rest of his clothing. After getting some food and drinks. Max sets himself up ready to go in the morning with his usual. Old boyscout pocket knife that has the blade, can opener, beer opener/flathead screwdriver, and awl. Chap stick, bic lighter, few packs of smokes, fixed blade with the ferro rod fire starter attached with a bit of bank line coiled, and his leatherman. Also has his stainless water bottle with the purifier in the pouch. And a handkerchief. Double checks that he has his other cloths and a change of cloths set. The group checked his 30-06 with the stupid powered 4-16x50 scope he just mounted and sighted in on it and said ? ..... He also asked Aaron if he was allowed to carry his glock 20 10mmAnd he said? ( feel free to ok or disallow whatever. Again sorry I responded late today life... Ugh. )
  14. Sounds like good fun and a great learning experience Caleb. Think you have a good teacher there to learn from. Great pictures.
  15. I have a couple ideas brewing in my jumbled brain Spanky. If I get a chance I'll try to sketch or even try them. So this would get screwed to a wall right?
  16. Nice work. Interesting poker point, it works well with the dragon head.
  17. Always harder to see those we love and care about hurting then ourselves. Thoughts are with you.
  18. sharp edges produce stress risers. meaning that its an area that is very likely to crack or give you issues. Your drift looks like the edges are too sharp. just because you didnt notice the cracks earlier dosnt mean that they werent destined to happen.You are heading in the right direction. i'm not experienced enough but i will say that i think the drift needs rounded edges. also what heat are you drifting at? you should keep it HOT. order of things i'm not sure but i know in making hammers we were punching and drifting the eye first. these questions are to help you help others give you advise. Thanks for sharing the punch and drift. someone here should have good advise for you.
  19. Max looks around the group after having a large breakfast after a miserable "anxiety ridden" long plane ride.He is trying to see who looks personable to be able to talk to since he isnt the biggest "people person." still enjoying the time off work tho, he is pretty relaxed now and taking in the strangers and time off the "usual" routine. He keeps thinking about carrying his leatherman instead of the regular locking blade since he might just have to do some field work to his rifle even if the hunt is furnished. he realizes he is probably too self reliant and should just let the guides do the work but is stubborn and just thinks he should be prepared. "What about my hatchet, do you even need a machete in alaska? dont think they have any overgrowth like in PA." oh, the silly things that run through his mind all the time....... wanting to double check what he has read Max talks with Aaron about what the regulations are on either of our prey, trying to note the details. every once in a while glancing up to see how Jennifer is driving. Max prefers to drive himself and when riding in a car he cant help but try to watch the road as well. after a rundown about the hunting regs. Max asks Aaron about what the camp/cabin situation will be and tries to make small talk about liking the out doors and what kind of plant life there is and what is edible and or poisonous, or what berries are ready. should I carry a hatchet or machete? after the conversation seemingly getting boring to Aaron, max backs off and tries to enjoy the ride. at one point along the ride Aaron seeming to be kidding around asks "who brought the 9mm auto for a back up piece" and i laugh. after he said something about making bears mad and holding the case with it over to Darious I tell him "mine is the Glock 20 10mm. , where you hiding It at? I prefer to have it on my hip. you know we are in bear country right?" in between conversation in the awesome suburban limo that he would love to have one day and commentary of the scenery Max feels like he is unprepared for this wilderness and starts thinking of all the things that could go wrong, just like on the airplane, but on that he had no solutions. always thinking, always worried, always paranoid that something would go wrong. Max thinks "Man...I need a smoke.. these long rides are killing me. first the airplane now this limo suburban. not much good came of the chain smoking fit after the plane ride before breakfast. now I'm trapped again. " He focuses on the amazing scenery to forget his issues. He tries to pay attention to the conversations going on while taking in the beauty they are passing through, while here and there making some small talk with the other strangers around him. Max notes who knows what and who has some knowledge on the wild wilderness they are heading into. Max thinks " Man, it would be awesome to get a big bear. I'd have it made into a rug with the head still on it . what does bear meat even taste like? I'd settle for a deer. least i know i could make awesome jerky and steaks from that. let alone all the other parts. hope i see a big one. my friend wants some antler for knife handle material." Max calms down with other seemingly good people around and thinks "This is great" laughing to himself. " what could go wrong"
  20. from the looks of it, I think it might help you and others to help you if you post a picture of your eye drift.
  21. sounds like it might be a Fisher? . look up fisher and yeah, we love pictures.
  22. nope. lol cats take care of them before they can drown.
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