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Everything posted by tech413

  1. Welcome to the site!! If you have any questions, be sure to ask, everyone here is really helpful. Good to have you!
  2. Sorry about the double post guys, could someone please delete one, thanks.
  3. Yeah, it just came back online, they're probably still working the bugs out. If you want to do some reading, start with the blueprints, there's a ton of information there. Just prepare for alot of reading
  4. Well, since I haven't been able to be reading and typing on this forum for the past few days, I finished building my first gasser and started on the second. It is a small single asperated burner and the second is a larger 2 burner. I am going to fire it in the morning and I'll post some pics. I can't wait!!!!:D
  5. Thank goodness!!!!! I was starting to worry:o. I had nothing to read to read at work:D. I'm glad you guys got everything up and running again, Thanks!!
  6. Welcome to the forum, there is lots to learn here. Good to have you!
  7. I know a smith that makes stone facing chisels and he uses H13.
  8. Welcome!! Congrats on the new hammer!
  9. Don't take it too personal. It just makes it easier for all to read if there is puntcuation in your posts. Here are the links to the stickies, it's just too much info to type. http://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/f75/intro-heat-treating-9292/ http://www.iforgeiron.com/forum/f75/advanced-heat-treating-9363/
  10. Way to go Dale! I'm on the next plane, I could use a coarse!! LOL
  11. Welcome! I think a lot of us have the same mentality.
  12. Welcome to the site! There's a ton of info in the blueprints. But you better set aside a few hours to read it!
  13. Welcome, you'll learn lots here. Good to have you!
  14. That could be an interesting project. Do you plan to try to shave with it?
  15. It happened, finally! :DThis weekend I took a trip up to a smithing coarse with David Robertson, in Cargill, Ontario. The coarse was awesome and I learned a ton. I can't wait to go back and take an intermediate coarse. Now I just have to get my gas forge built so I can work inside. I'll post pictures later!
  16. Thanks for the link! I got it on paper now so I can reference when needed.
  17. tech413

    New shop

    It's looking good. Can't wait to see it finnished. Congrats!!!
  18. Nice find! Too bad there's nothing like that around here.
  19. I was raise doing wood working. From cabinets to additions, I've been there. My dad did alot of wood working and I learned from him. But I like metal alot more.
  20. Corn off the field would be too wet and needs to be dried. You really couldn't even store corn without drying as it will mold. I think I'll get some out of our bins and try it.
  21. :oWOW, I sure wish I was closer!!:(
  22. It does almost look like glass. That is some beautiful work, keep it up!! Hope to see more
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