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I Forge Iron

Paul B

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Everything posted by Paul B

  1. Well I will put in my two cents. In a power press, mechanical or hydraulic, a bolster is the upper and lower plate that the die shoes bolt to. I don't know if this has any bearing on the discussion.
  2. All the gas pressure regulators I have had experience with are clockwise to increase the pressure. You should see an in crease in the gauge even with the smallest turn of the knob. Turning counterclockwise to decrease pressure, you may not see a change til you open a valve farther down the line. Just my 2 cents
  3. Seems to be back to normal today.
  4. Sorry about the trouble but I was starting to think this new computor was on the blink already.
  5. There recently was a shutdown of the forum, I think, maybe it was just my system. When it came back on it is very slow, is anyone else having trouble? When I clicked the new post tab to make this post, it took 48 seconds for this screen to come up. This seems to be the only site I visit that I'm having this trouble. How is everyone elses machines responding?
  6. blksmth, Was the new blower an electric one or hand cranked? Do you see an advantage to the electric with a control knob or do you think a hand crank is so good or better? I am in the process of building my first forge and would not like to do it twice before I get started.
  7. I looked through a lot of the pictures. Its nice to see so many women wearing fur. I wish it was still that way.
  8. I've been wondering about that very thing. When welding two objects, even the same size, getting them hot enough at the same time and geting lined up seems like it would be very hard to me. I can see where wiring them together would be a good idea, but if the sizes are too different, it would seem like the smaller would burn before the heavier was hot enough.
  9. I think he means a laser thermometer. Or should I say infra red
  10. Those pictures are great. I would have expected to see more long beards then clea shaved faces.
  11. Bear traps are mostly wall hangers for game rooms and club houses. Seven and a half inch traps are very common for beaver and are legal in most states.
  12. This is a beautiful piece. Today was the first time I ever forged anything. My son and I had a great time. I think next month I am going to try something like this. I believe it is still above my head but I let you know how it goes.
  13. Didn't you ever hear of a board stretcher? Sent a new guy out to the truck one day after one, he came in about ten minutes later asking what it looked like. Sorry to say but it was my son but he was about ten.
  14. If your not nice you could get a SLAP
  15. Nice looking forge. Did you forge that chain in the background?
  16. The only experience I have with waxing metal is on foot traps. I put water in a half fifty gallon drum with black walnut hulls in the liquid in a sack. The sack prevents the debris from the hulls from getting into the liquid. The water will turn black from the hulls and becames my dye. After cooks for half hour or so at a roaring boil, I remove the sack and put in my traps. I boil the traps for another half hour. Then I remove the traps from the drum and let them hang to dry. I have another pot with parafin wax in it at about 300 degrees F. I dip the traps in till the trap reachs the temp of the wax, about a minute. When I remove the traps they have a very thin even coating of wax. I do this to prevent rust when the traps are in use. I don't know if this relates to wax on projects or not. Paul
  17. Man that is beautiful, I hope to some day be capable of something that nice. Paul
  18. Paul B

    Hydraulic Press

    There is a lot of factors that come into play here. The weight of the device doing the hammering and how fast it is moving. Also what you are after out of the hammer.
  19. Is this something like "A Legend in his own mind"
  20. I don't know what they are but in NC or SC there is a company that rebuilds them. Builds up worn cleats or whatever there called. A google search may help.
  21. There is a material called sonex that works very well. Homasote is another one. Spelling might not be correct. Paul
  22. Thanks FSF that is nice to know. It seems red antracite is easy to get.
  23. My oldest brother always said him, me, and my younger brother were the "jack of all trades and the master of none".
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