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I Forge Iron

Dan C

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Everything posted by Dan C

  1. Still loving my brake drum. Supposedly after you make your first forge already planning the next. I'm not other than adding a side draft chimney. Don't give up so easily, just start simple n don't complicate things
  2. Google anvilfire tongs and dempsey twist for a page on making tongs, it's the method I'm using now. I like what you've done with the brake rotor as a cover, great idea! Couldn't tell what you're using for a blower, but I posted pictures & information of my setup in this thread. I use a Christmas tree foot switch for turning it on & off so the amount of air stays consistent until you want to change it. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  3. Interested friends & neighbors do come over, and my son & daughter help. I would be concerned with just grabbing anyone would be the potential liability. I am cautious about who I allow into my area based on their safety awareness, experience and whether or not I think they'd sue me. And you need to have on hand any additional protective gear for anyone helping out.
  4. If you had a side draft chimney similar to what Bigred made for his forge in this thread, depending on where the sun was it would offer some shade. '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  5. I take bottle openers made from old wrenches with me everytime I go to an auto parts store. That was how I paid for my truck's radiator repairs. Pawn shops usually have tons of them that they just want to get rid of. Also made one into a bracelet for someone on request, another into a business card holder.
  6. That kind of nostalgic Chinobi mentioned is probably one of the reasons stuff made from them sell well. Everybody's already made very good points on it being just another type of stock and not being enough carbon in them. I did forge a spike hawk last weekend & forge welded an old file bit for the cutting edge. Should be a nice hawk when it's done. I've been having a lot of fun & profit making old files into knives. Will have to try old car springs next.
  7. To those that look down on any of us working w/ RR spikes so be it. I've made enough money from the bottle openers, gardening tools & yes even the hated spike knives to buy my smithing tools, pays some bills and help restore my old truck. Which I'm very proud to say is finally back on the road!!! Couldn't have done it w/o people buying all the stuff I made out of these spikes, the guys at the local railyard that let me have a piece of track to get started and the nails themselves.
  8. Mac, a friend is using roller skate wheels. Thanks for the idea on the skateboard wheels. For a contact wheel I've heard of using a lawnmower wheel, haven't tried it myself. Still in the planning stage.
  9. Very nice solutions indeed! So where do you come up with horns and a inexpensive resource for the wax or candle? I know there's a local taxidermy place nearby that sells lots of leftover antlers & stuff. That could be a resource or go for Chinobi's extra credit points : )
  10. Yes, all are bottle openers of one variety or another. There's a tooth on the inside of the opener that goes under the cap. A picture's worth 1000 words supposedly so this should be worth 2x.
  11. Since the concensus is it may be a PW maybe this would help. Here are pics of my Peter Wright, Goodeyon see any similarities especially the step above the feet? I wasn't kidding about the markings being faint, but if the sunlight hits it just Wright you can make some of it out. Before and after I cleaned it up and rubbed it w/ boiled linseed oil. FYI, anvil stand wasn't finished in that pic, no whines about lack of support on the legs.
  12. I considered going with the Grizzly, but I'm always looking for an excuse to put my welder to work and I prefer building something when I can vs. buying it. Plus if I buy all the pieces and build it my wife won't have a clue, yeah honey I made it out of scraps! Won't say how much the contact wheel cost...Whereas if I buy the package deal she'll be giving me grief for at least a month even though all the $ came from my smithing work. Those of you who can go out & buy whatever with your wives blessing have my admiration & envy!
  13. rust is a nice color for a finish...my forge and some tools can be found in this thread '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>
  14. xxxx we got a lot of former jarheads on this forum...Semper Fi Devil Dog!
  15. Might not have enough metal to make a handle. My first one us a little short so my son who wanted to make something made me a new one
  16. Whatever I build I'll share measurements and whatever I can. I don't know how to use autocad or any of that, and it's going to be welded together for the most part. I am fortunate that a friend on the other side of town has built a 2x72 for scratch, in a pinch I can go to him for help but shouldn't need to, knock on wood. BCROB, thanks for the motor info! Did some searching online, I see why you said save up. I'm trying to do this for $500 or so. Much more and I'll need to wait a little longer. Any suggestions on things you can scavenge a motor from that would accept a dual pulley? My guess would be air compressors, bench grinders, maybe a clothes dryer motor? Sometimes just putting the word out among friends turns up what you need.
  17. Dan C


    Considering the potential dangers involved in blacksmithing it's understandable and necessary to be direct. Frosty was right when he said the fire and steel is unforgiving. That said, if multiple people have already pointed out someone's fallacy maybe not responding at all is the correct approach. At least not if you're having a bad day and feel like ripping off someone's head. If no one responded to a question that you posted what will most people do? Probably learn to search the forum. Most of us have posted a question and then realized the answers are already out there, at least I have.
  18. As you make progress please update this thread and I'll do the same. It'd be helpful to know what others are using for a motor. Regarding the mobile design, I like having the option to move it around as my garage/shop has limited space. Currently I'm using a 1x30 HF belt grinder. It works okay to make small kitchen knives, but isn't very efficient.
  19. Sounds great to me Ian, when can you deliver it? :) Seriously anyone getting started I'd think would jump at an opportunity like that.
  20. I'm looking to build a 2x72 as well. This is a design I'm considering, Then I've also found a lot of good information from the two sites below. All the designs I'm looking at are pulley driven and use a steel platen. If you aren't comfortable working with electricity find someone who is. You don't want to fry yourself or burn down the house. http://www.shankcustomknives.com/homemade-belt-grinder.html http://theknifemaker.com/inf/grinder.html I'll have to research motors, I haven't done so yet. As you mentioned 2 hp on a 220 seems common, but I don't have an extra 220 outlet, so prefer going 110 vs. juggling which my compressor & welder already are doing.
  21. Wow is that a SWEET deal! I'd like it a lot better though if it was going in my garage. What's the weight on that one?
  22. You can yourself confirm if that's an English weight stamp. Weigh it, if it weighs 137 lbs or close to that it's an English weight stamp. If you want help identifying it post pictures and/or trying cleaning the sides and using flour to see if there's faint markings. My PW has faint markings that are legible on the 2nd full moon when you sprinkle pixie dust on it.
  23. It would be helpful to please post some pictures. I won't have the experience to help fix it, but the ones on this forum who do will most likely want a visual. And include your general location in your profile, there might be an IFI member in your area who could help.
  24. Nice fire rake, but you need a fancy handle on it or at least a loop to hang it & hold onto.
  25. I scanned thru some of the other pics on your site, very nice work indeed! Do you roll the forge typically outside? I didn't see how you were venting the fumes in one of the pictures.
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