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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by lab

  1. it didn't turn out just as i wanted but i like it. 6 12" blade about 10 12" over all elk antler handle
  2. great looking knife like everything about it. what part of Arkansas are you in.
  3. thanks for the coments
  4. i use L6 a lot heat the cuting edeg cherry red quench in warm oil. even use it in damascus
  5. a man ordered these for Cristmas gifts
  6. lab


    blade is 9 12" long 1 12" wide elk antler handle is 4 12"
  7. lab


    first try at a bowie
  8. lab


    yes 150 layers C6 and bandsaw blade. 4-12" blade deer antler handle
  9. lab


    I like making damascus. can't wait to get it shaped hardend and ready for the acid and see the pattern come out.
  10. that is a good accompishment, out of 5 trys i only got 1 made
  11. one of these days i hope to get damascus to look like that. just beautiful.
  12. thanks for your replys
  13. yes it is the sae blade i ask about. thank you
  14. 91/2" ovl wallnut handle 150 layers saw blade band saw. The Ind. saw blade worked good with band saw blade.
  15. lab

    saw blades

    thanks for the info. it helps alot.
  16. lab

    saw blades

    i have made a few knifes out of them. i have to heat to cheery red and cool down slow before i can drill
  17. lab

    saw blades

    this pic is with the post before
  18. lab

    saw blades

    i have been given a bunch of Ind. saw blades 24" dia. 5/32" thick. used to trim alum. parts. hay make good knifes that hold a edge. any one know what kind of steel they might be made of? this pic is to big trying another one.
  19. it is made with two kinds of saw blades. i get big ind. round blades from work 24" by5/32" and band saw blades. don't what steel type. but makes good knifes that hold a edge.Sorry about the pic.
  20. the pic is not that clear. It took 3 times to get enough damascus long enough
  21. i realy like the shape of that one
  22. lab

    damascus knife

    thanks for the info. i got several pieces of scrap given to me from a cabnet shop. don't know what most of them are. i seal my handles with tung oil 2 or 3 coats
  23. 8 1/4" ova length 4" blade. 150 layers. don't know what kind of wood the handle is.
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