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I Forge Iron

John Martin

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Everything posted by John Martin

  1. I was gonna say, only person that I know of is Jerry(Frosty) good luck!!!
  2. It CAN. Some people it does and some people it doesn't. My bs teacher knows several people that forge that way. Some people can forge that way, and some can't. But good job!!!
  3. I just dump the charcoal and coal in my 55gal drum, back forth, little bit at a time. Then just shovel it on the table, and tend it like a coal fire.
  4. Hey quentin, you might just need an anvil, because the blower that I have could easily power four forges. We'll just need to install air gates on our forges. So think about that. However, I am getting a hand-cranked this spring. So it depends on if you want your own, and what kind, etc...

  5. Andy, do you have a video on youtube on making a spike knife? Like 3:25 minutes long I think??? I am also looking. His location is the same as mine. Philip, are you still in china??? Lol. that'd be quite the shipping fees. Post vise is covered already.
  6. There is another thread, started by me, that is show us your shop, and it has a lot more pictures and information on shops. Might wanna check it and maybe post to.
  7. Wow. That is really a nice piece.
  8. I made one by hand with a four-pound sledge. Make sure it's right before welding heat, and you'll have no problems. However, it didn't turn out that well. Didn't know what I was doing at the time for HT. Quenched in water, and the thing cracked all over the place. Lol.
  9. Ok, good idea rich. Thanks for the support Art.
  10. Nope Alwin, I'm not looking for that. But thanks anyways. But I just need suggestions for how to go about making my jig, I have a general idea, but want any hints or pointers first. OR NOT TO DOs. BTW, this is the BP: http://www.iforgeiron.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=105:bp1003-&catid=29:blueprints-1000&Itemid=26 Yuo forgot the linky. Lol. :)
  11. I now have access to a welder, and want to finally get started making hammers. However, I ama one-man operation, all hand tools. So I was thinking about making a hammer jig like the one Rich (rthibeau) has for his fly-press. It'll a gullitine type contraption, and will have the bolts on the bottom to keep the hammer head in place. Then, I will have inserts for the jig. Three slits. I will then punch and drift by hand. I'll also have a sacrificial drift that will be used for flattening the buldge. The welder is to weld up the jig. This jig will just drop in hardy hole, I'll through the slit in. Heat the head, throw the head in, and start pounding. Now, any ideas or things to do or not to do with this jig?
  12. Good job. Chuck the blowdrier. Once you invest in a nice blower, you will never go back. Can't wait to see what you make with this forge.
  13. Rich for once I have one critism of it. Would it be better if you made the blade rounded to fit the spacer thing. I can't remember the terms. But where the knife goes into the guard.
  14. Leaf spring. Estimating about 30-40 more hours of work on it. wow, every inch adds so many more problems to it. lol. 5 more hours of forging. 20 of finishing, and then 5 for HT process. BTW, how do you straigten a blade like this after forging the bevels in??? I couldn't without wrecking the bevels and having to re-do them, then re-straighten, over n over.
  15. You're on my list, but may I ask, what do you mean by weapon? A gun or one of your knives with you?
  16. Well not sure what it is called, but it's gonna be for hacking through small limbs of trees and what not. It's a serious work in progress. Overall 24" Handle 8" Blade 16". Any helpful tips, suggestions, what not do etc... greatly appreciated. This is my first blade over 12" long, and will be the last for a long time. :)
  17. Thanks for those photos, that's really cool. http://cbl4823.googlepages.com/HPIM1750.JPG/HPIM1750-large.JPG Want those. Lol.
  18. Um, wow. :0 I wonder how far you could feel those vibrations. lol
  19. Keep it up chris, you could easily turn an in-line treadle into a small power hammer. Does need to be huge to really move metal.
  20. Here's an update of my shop. Picture 1: Forge running today, burning wood to warm the shop. Picture 2: A few of my leaf springs, my two extra postvises, a lot of files in that red container, and two pair of kaowool gloves. Picture 3: Safety equipment, mask, glasses, ear plugs, aprons Picture 4: some of the hammers Picture 5: assortment of steel Picture 6: coal bin, post-vise, tools for post vise Picture 7: drill press and bench grinder Picture 8: kinda shows you everything on the bench
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