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I Forge Iron

the iron dwarf

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Posts posted by the iron dwarf

  1. which part of the world are you from MS ( add it to your profile so it stops all the old fossils here going on at you about it )

    it also helps as most questions depend on location.

    what in the way of metalworking interests you?


  2. if you want something in keeping with your name then look up some from that period, viking anvils were not 'london pattern' and a simple block will do most things you need.

    a large sledge hammer head would be ideal

    can they not be bought in SA either new or an old one with broken handle

    there is a video that has been posted here before of blacksmiths in nepal making kukri blades on a sledge hammer head

  3. speed is very important for a forging press, you would need a much larger motor and pump for a reasonable speed also use limit switches to save on unwanted stroke and wasted time, if drawing out something that starts at 25mm thick the top tool on my press would start at no higher than 30mm and probably lower and the bottom of the stroke would also be set ( I can get just over 1 stroke per second on some jobs and the switches are quick to change to a different stroke if wanted )

  4. as a guess I would say Chicago but is easier if people put a rough location in their profile.

    read up on solid fuel forges BEFORE MAKING ONE will save you money and get you a better forge, there are plenty of details on here of cheap forges like the JABOD

  5. which continent / country are you in?

    giant rock boring bits may be tipped with tungsten carbide, that may be brazed in place

    how large is this giant bit?

    3 foot diameter?

    6 foot?

    why is your forge not getting hot enough?

    you can straighten out the twist or upset it, neither of those need welding

    what type of forge do you have?





  6. so you are trying to heat the firebricks and casing and the shop, you need to insulate your forge by lining it with a ceramic blanket and then protect that with a ridgidiser so you dont breath in the fibers, also make doors for it to keep the heat in

    frosty or one of the other gas experts will be here soon with more details

  7. im no expert so wait till others who know more comment.


    this is what I think......

    maybe mill the top so when you have added the new plate it is about the same height as now or a little bit taller,

    flux and cover both surfaces in braze.

    when cooled place the new plate on top and heat evenly till braze melts

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