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I Forge Iron

the iron dwarf

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Posts posted by the iron dwarf

  1. it seems to be lacking in limit switches to control stroke, you dont want the piston to have to travel its full length each time and you want to be able to stop it when it gets down far enough and that needs to be easy and quick to change, also you may need to prevent the rod from rotating.

    on my iron dwarf forging press thread you can see I used a big end of a con rod to do both

  2. 38 minutes ago, Charles R. Stevens said:

    IC, I imagine if I wanted to buy a truck load they would deliver anything

    I can order a single length of 5/16 and they will deliver it for 10 pounds when next through town ( normally twice a week )

    my next order to them will be 20 lengths of 1/2", 10 lengths of 1/4" and 2 lengths of 5/8 round,

    should last me 2 weeks and with more from my friend John we should get free delivery

  3. have seen video on here of a team welding a face on an anvil, Thomas will probably know it, if it can be found it may help you see the mammoth task you have if it is a major repair

    yes it will be fun but it will take a lot of organization and preparation and will be a lot of hard work for a large team of people, it may nor work well or at all

  4. the body of the anvil is not cast it is WI, how much experience of welding that do you have?

    first test the surface with a small hammer and mark the entire area that sounds hollow with chalk, next post a picture of that.

    the problem is a failed forge weld and it might be over a large area

  5. yes it has to be recent

    drill a tiny hole in the underside of it, cast iron bbonsswarf will be powder of small flakes, steel will be longer ribbons.

    cannon recently got done for wrongly labeling stuff, fined £25,000 for selling things with a ce mark they should not have and I think stock was destroyed too.

    hit a corner or the face with the hammer at an angle

    our main shop anvil is in good condition but dates from 1730 ish and it gets regular heavy use and abuse, that thing would not last us a week but it is your money to spend as you like ( and I know how the scots like to spend it

  6. dont drop a ball bearing on that anvil any bigger than 20mm, hope you did not pay much for it, yes I know who the wholesalers and importers are of that,

    a bit of rail or fork lift fork would be far better, they are £69.99 but worth about £6.99 as a boat anchor or door stop.

    model number is CT2736 from cannon tools who import from india and china and sell tools to market traders and car booters

  7. 65% is poor

    1/2" to 1" would be a good size

    try over different parts of the table

    cast iron is bad

    cast steel CAN be good if it has a tool steel top or is made from a very good grade of steel.

    a decent new one can cost you over a grand but there are a million bad ones for each good one.

    who is the maker or is it a no name chinese import that you can get for 50 quid at the wholesaler.


  8. with mesh to keep the coals off the tue it wont matter about your shutter, the whole area will be the fire just with less heat as the air can go anywhere under the mesh whilst the mesh keeps the hot coals up, when it collapses it will be more controllable till your pipe melts.

    so you need a fire nearly the size of that barrel?

    if you turn it up to get enough heat it will use bags of fuel per hour?

  9. have made them for swords with only 6 holes of 6mm each with the holes at an angle with pairs at opposit angles so you dont get hot spots but a continuous fire

    will your mesh stand 1500c for a long time in an oxidizing enviroment ( my simple forge gets to well over 2000c ) and I agree a bit of rail or a cube of steel would be better for an anvil

  10. my forges use a single 11mm hole in the middle, and not through steel but 20mm thick cast iron and I can get a fire from 2" TO 12" diameter easily with that, what are you working that you need such a huge fire?

    you will find fuel goes very fast that way ( I can get 3 days of 8 hours forging from one 20kg bag of coke )

    you will prob soon see stephen jones on here, he is IIRC between edinbourgh and glasgow, dont know how far that is from you but he is closer than I am

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