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I Forge Iron

Larry H

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Everything posted by Larry H

  1. got two tons of coke last year, down to about one now, will start thinking about ordering this summer
  2. As it seems this is going nowhere fast, and its the first of the month, I'm going to make a letter opener, make it as stylish as you can using 10" or less of 1/2 sq, make more than one....after all this is the first theme,..easy project....but can get real fancy , its up to you. Fold, forge weld, twist, and split to your hearts content,....no egos here, just fun and learning,.....get started
  3. thats one beautiful piece of work. lots of sweat, probably burns and blood too, now just look at the fruits of your labor........and the balance, I bet that was a trick to pull off congrats
  4. you sound like a guy I'll be talking with in the near future,.I'm waiting to hear from the money man for the go ahead. Thanks for all the good info, I'll get back to you on your web site if all goes well
  5. maybe not the whole thing at once but 2' x 6' at once,.... a johnson is a great tool but runs short and trying to schmack da middle of a 4x6 is tough enough with half a heat, and it screws up the texture, hotter is better, even if you have to try to keep your clothes from combusting from the heat.
  6. the hammer is for texturing, grinding will follow, then there is the dishing, twisting, followed by rolling,.... welding... grinding and polishing, then the patina, this will be repeated 8 times on 8 pieces to make four 8x8 sculptures
  7. I need access to a forge or oven large enough to heat a piece of 1/4" plate ...4' x 6' ,&nbsp;&nbsp;and so i don't have to use a jack hammer,&nbsp;&nbsp;an&nbsp;&nbsp;industrial power hammer with a 2' throat, or a wrecking ball to use as a hammer. large rollers are a plus,&nbsp;&nbsp;Just fishing for now but need info,.... the sooner the better. The forge or oven is the most needed,...we can use the almighty sledge if necessary, I have strikers,&nbsp;&nbsp;just need heat... or I have to make a ground fire and who wants to do that? I guess I'm getting lazy in my old age, ( or time is more valuable now that its running short)&nbsp;&nbsp;I'm in NY Hudson Valley,...I know some of you lurkers in the city know something.......<div>hook me up</div>
  8. Hi Ron, I want you to know I haven't forgotten you. I've been very busy honing my skills. You may interested to know one of the top three galleries in the world is interested in my work. You got in on the ground floor!! Keep your fingers crossed ! !

  9. experience is not making mistakes............. experience comes from making mistakes
  10. welcome to ifi, from NY, Fairlawn isn't that far

  11. yup, YOU know when, how and why, me too
  12. you don't need any thing else but the parts, tumble them together and you're good, no media necessary
  13. looks like the blower needs a side cover to direct the air better, right now the air is swirling around inside that bucket, imo
  14. don't use the word " tradition" or any variation there of, some people around here take offense
  15. Hi Bob, my pleasure, thought you might try forging the larger one a little bit to practice a little face work, also a coat of poly when you're done wouldn't hurt

  16. someone seems to have the word "tradition" stuck in their craw and couldn't read on, I said you must "know your way around the anvil " which means use all sides,...even the heel, sides and feet. the "tradition" ?..I've been a full time smith for thirty five years,....two of my mentors,...one a sixth generation smith,.the other couldn't say because all the way back in the family's history they were european blacksmiths ,....both said to the right,...does a few hundred years make a tradition? He really didn't know if his great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandfather had it to the left ,.....however if he was left handed he probably did.
  17. scratch the linseed oil,.....It stays sticky,....the best thing to do is burn it off and buy a spray can of marine spar polyurethane,......you wont regret it
  18. this whole Crucifixion nail thing creeps me out,...why would somebody want to shock some poor kid with that ?....... come here kid,..hows it feel to nail this rubber hand to the board ? cool huh ? sumptins' not right 'bout dat
  19. thats one way to solve which side the horn is on
  20. Tradition says horn to the right,........However, reality says you should " know your way around the anvil ",....which means if you use your anvil to its full potential you will be walking around it to take advantage of every angle. If you took the time observe the actual shape of it ,....it and a hammer can do amazing things, without all the tooling everyone seems to " need ". Can you make a shovel with just a hammer and anvil ? yes ,... shutter dogs ? yes. I have even made tongs with the hole punched via the anvils horn ! ! ( it was a new anvil with a pointy horn,....did it on a bet ,...and won,..he still uses them to this day 25 years later ) So the best advise I can give anyone is to learn " your way around the anvil "
  21. Man,...you are funny ...I like your style.
  22. I have done things with tool steel no sane person would do ( or should do ! ! ) and have had great success,...that being said,....if you have to punch many precision holes and have to use the fly press, make a pin guided punch holder with a stripper plate,...like used with a punch press/ buffalo ,....nobody mentioned if it isn't lined up properly, chips may fly,...at YOU ,...and that could leave a mark,,if you make your own tooling,...tempering is critical,....or stitches are inevitable.
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