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I Forge Iron

Larry H

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Everything posted by Larry H

  1. Ian, of course! thats why telephoto lenses were invented ! ! ! ...I say throw caution to the wind and go for it, after all haven't we evolved in technology to the point where this is infantile knowledge ?. actually I saw an infant who knew a lot on that funniest video show......he wuz a smart un . neva seen a rugrat start a mowa wit a clothes pin,.....git it ?
  2. You guys are making me lmao, Bad joke ? I thought it was pretty funny....especially the "wear a hat " part, and yes I do know a little something about acyt. If we have to start adding disclaimers to our posts things will deteriorate rather quickly. Remember "tongue in cheek" ?
  3. I guess you shouldn't quench them either !
  4. Keith would lite it up ! ! ! (or.....never mind, )
  5. I think if it worked before...why not? crank it up , whats the worst that can happen ?, use some kind of safety precautions, like wear goggles or ear plugs...maybe an apron or something. Use one of those bar-b-Q lighters to check for gas ( bar-b-q lighters have that extra length in case something goes wrong ), Oh yeah, keep a bucket of water nearby...just in case...... and wear a hat,.....lol
  6. congrats on makin it this far, hope to see you at a meet in 2032, if someone will drive me there
  7. take the valve off first, cut with BAND SAW
  8. I was trying to think.......even after coffee couldn't get the noggin wrapped around it. But I think you "hit the nail on the head" ( groan)....I'm with LDW sounds good to me
  9. I'll tell you what......I loved the highlander movies, ( except that one...you know what I mean ). Then I met Great Grand Master Kwang Duk Chung. He ruined most of the sword movies for me, by teaching me " The Way of the Sword ".... dang ! .. now I'm a critic of hollywood schlock
  10. I'll tell ya what......when I first started, I needed a mobile forge, ( shoeing horses ). I went to the auto junk yard and bought a heater blower, it was plenty of air for coal, 12v, ran off truck battery...even at flea markets. And it was quiet
  11. Frosty Your little brother is 13 years older than you ? ? ?
  12. Thats a real good start ! Persistence is key, which it seems you have. Congrats
  13. You have to " brand " the hoof above the crack...with an iron that looks like an upside down triangle, with a line under it, and file a "bridge " off the parts that touch the ground to relieve impact and reduce movement in the quarter. If its real bad, you also may have to lace it with wire, and patch it
  14. Check her Gait.....If she isn't "cross firing" ( needs cross fire shoe" ) maybe just roll the toe in the front, ( to make sure the front foot moves out of the way faster ) or put trailers on the rear, to drop the hind quicker. I dunno, not sayin' nuttin just sayin'... maybe
  15. for some reason the photos won't load
  16. here's some pics of JM Walkers work
  17. Just returned from the Peters Valley meet ( on the east coast ) There was a lot of talent in a small area today. A great demo by Sam Salvati on japanese kitchen knives and Director Richard Sargent on tooling for joinery, ( sorry Doc, I had to cut out, lucky I made it at all ) Sorry some of you close couldn't make it. The New Jersey Blacksmiths did a great job of hosting this event, a great time with great smiths, all yuckin' it up. The Aussies were represented as well. Smiths from Ohio, Maryland, Vermont, Pa. Conn., N.Y. and other locale's I'm sure. A Great big thanks to NJBA for hosting a successful meet ( with free lunch ! ). I even won A scrolling tool in the iron in the hat drawing.... A Mark Emig original ! Here is a few pics of J.M.Walker's stuff, absolutely beautiful, Oh just tried to add pics on edit, but could not.....see next post
  18. I don't know if I would use old appliances, (its that enamel thing ), and fenders are all that recycled steel the U.S. buys back after sending it to some third world country for " refining ". If you look you may find new sheet is not all that expensive, plus there will be enough to make several mistakes, or additional helms, or some chasing projects. Once you see how easy the sheets move compared to 1/4" plate, you may become a tin knocker ! ( thats what started to happen to me, then I snapped out of it )
  19. What kind of wheels ?, once its filled with tools, think of the weight ! !. I need a hand truck to bring mine any distance
  20. Spring Meet........new jersey,...... Penn, NY, Conn. ( who ever shows up )
  21. Still LMAO, ....so hot lips,..... Did you learn anything new on Friday ? Are you bringing your lips to Peters Valley ?
  22. When I passed the journeyman test 28 years ago I thought I was a blacksmith, 271/2 years ago I found out maybe I wasn't, I spent the next 27 1/2 years trying to gain just some of the skills of the smiths I was surrounded by, sadly I didn't have enough time, they started dropping like flies, or retiring, sometimes both, but hopefully I learned something. Blacksmithing is not something you will ever master, the things that were done, could not be believed, even hard to believe when you see it ! ! ....I will never consider myself a Master, mainly because of those things that I have seen. Larry H. local 15 international brotherhood of boilermakers, iron ship builders, blacksmiths, forgers & helpers
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