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I Forge Iron


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I put a complete update on my njanvilman profile, but I think I will shout it out here.  Today is my first day as a retired teacher.  I taught over 5000 students woodworking and metalworking on the high school level.  After 37 years in the classroom, I decided it was time to move on.  We never had a catastophic accident, a record I am extremely proud of. 


Now I will have time to write the Fisher & Norris Book, travel, forge more, do more woodworking, and get caught up around my house.


This forum is a wonderful resource.  I am a proud contributor to it.  I hope to meet many of you at the ABANA meet in Dover next summer.  Some of my best friends are people I met at various ABANA meets.  And I will be at Quad States again.


Joshua Kavett

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Congratulations Joshua! No serious accidents in 37 years teaching high school shop classes is an outstanding record! Definately something to be proud of add to that the thousands of kids who now have basic safe shop practices ingrained at a reflex level.


Put me on the list for one of your books and let me know if you get  this far Northwest, I'll do what I can to help you see/do what you want here.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Congratulations Joshua! Welcome to the ranks of people who wake up each day and it's a xxxx FINE DAY EVERY DAY!
I'm a retired federal firefighter, loved my job, but 31 years of going up and down those mountains take a toll. Now very happy to spend some time at the anvil or traveling. Spending some time in Gillette WY right now!

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Happy retirement! Maintaining a safety record like that is no mean feat, I know. Congratulations!


May I recommend a ritualized turning off the alarm clock every night before bed the week school starts again, just because you can. (We need a animated smiley doing a raspberry icon.)


I hope I run into you at one of these shindigs, and if I get to Dover next year, your museum is high on my list of stops. Unfortunately, my school wants me to report back August 1. I am going to try to claim Professional Development Training and go anyway.

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Greetings Josh,


Congrats on your retirement...   I too was a teacher in one of my past lives..  Auto repair..   After 20 years owing an auto shop and 15 a blacksmith shop.  I thought I would have time for all those things I always wanted to do..   Well I think I work harder now than ever....  Left my downstate home in Michigan to live in our retirement home in the north..   I now have 3 blacksmiths shops a welding shop a lineshaft shop and a sheet metal shop...  I enjoy teaching everyone from boy scouts to advanced smiths..  I have come to the conclusion that .. that's what I do and I'm not changing.


Enjoy and I'm looking forward to your book..



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