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I Forge Iron

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Posted (edited)

I just made this for my mom about 30 minutes ago. Took me about 2 hours to make. It's made from 10" of 3/4" SQUARE stock, I split this by hand with the hot cut. That sucked, but it was fun. I then proceeded to texture the cross with the upright beam with the wood grain and the cross piece with wood grain. Notice that the grain flows in the right direction. :) I did that part right at least. I then drilled three holes for where Jesus was nailed to the cross and chiseled INRI at the top of it. It will hang from the middle of it as you can see in the pictures. I took the pictures in my room with it on the wall. I hope my mom likes this for christmas, she's asked for one before, but I didn't think I could make one. Sorry about the picture quality. I finished the cross with beeswax.

Critique where I can improve please!!!









Edited by m_brothers

Well done young Man - I am at work today (spending a little lunchtime as close to smithin' as I am going to get today)

My first thought as I started to read your post was "How did he split that?" and right then you answered my very question - So you got some splitting practice in did you?

I am sure your Mother will LOVE it

Need to run - work beckens



Chris - I took an old hatchet head, rodded it, and use it for detail work like that.

Woodeye- Thanks woodeye. I use a different hatchet head that is rodded to set the cut lines, cut about 3/4's of the way through with it, then finished with my hot cut.


Chris - I took an old hatchet head, rodded it, and use it for detail work like that.

Woodeye- Thanks woodeye. I use a different hatchet head that is rodded to set the cut lines, cut about 3/4's of the way through with it, then finished with my hot cut.

Posted (edited)

Thanks, I also made six russian roses today, but I burned each one up when doing the stem. They were gonna be for on a table, but the metal is so thin, and if i kept them in the forge for longer than like 5 seconds literally (i counted) i would burn them up, so im going to make some tomorrow, and one for my sister for christmas.

I have another piece of 3/4" square, I'm gonna make another cross out of it for in the shop, but I have a ton of RR spikes, leaf spring, and a few pieces of 6" 3/4" stock. I need suggestions for what else to make, trying to build on my skills during christmas vacation. I'm running out of stock, and am going to be stocking up towards the end of jan or middle of feb.

Edited by m_brothers
Posted (edited)

I decided to try to make one for my church not to long ago, had a great time in the forge, almost as if someone was there with me (sic) and then mounted it in a rock, cut some grape vine leaves with my small plasma, and wrapped the vine and leaves around the rock facing upwards to the cross, for you biblical scholars, the meaning will hopefully not be lost.

Edited by divermike
spelling error

I believe it is split down the middle for 1/3 of the length (horizontal cross pieces), then turned 90 degrees and split down the middle for the other 2/3 of length. It looks like the splits over run each other in order to get the opening.

Am I close?


There's a link somewhere on the internet that has directions, but you can just cut the cross down the middle 2/5 of the length, then turn 90 and do it again, but 3/5. You have to make sure that the cuts overlap or else you won't get an opening in the middle. You then spread each side open over the horn of your anvil. Then flatten. Then you have to cut off about 1/3 of the top to make it equal to cross section. This was my first cross, and I learned a lot, and plan on making many more.


There is an Excellent Demo with Pics on Anvilfire done by some guy named Glenn Connor, that is where I got the plans. I don't Stretch the centers out.

It is under Iforge Plan number 79 "C-Cross"

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