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I Forge Iron

Super sucker

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I saw on YouTube that it's best hood possible for side drqft forge, so I asked neighbour for old boyler and Ian planing to cut it to make super sucker 

Anny suggestions or tips are more then welcome






As example Ian using this video


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Be sure to open the top of the new hood to the inside diameter of the stove jack you show. It will NOT draw through that little pipe flange on it now.

Also, do NOT make a large hole next to the fire or it won't draw as strongly as you'd like.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Yeah frosty I know Ian just using measure I think I will cut it smaller diameter and bend it up , some small cuts that will go in circle then bend it with pliers so chimney pipe fit on it.


I think this is good place to start , it's tall enaugh, I will remove old hood and use this sucker as hood.



And  will probably shut those two pipes too with some welding or just out clay over it or plaster or cement .


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4 hours ago, natkova said:

Your skool taller a bit k will have to Grint it to se how it will go.

I hope I don't get a note from a mod for the quote but I'm going to save this line and make a poster for the shop. Maybe take to club  meetings, we have young members who speak in textlish and there's no telling what they mean. I can just look at them blankly then point to the Natkova poster.

Oh yeah buddy, you bet I'm naming if for you.

Frosty The Lucky.

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6 hours ago, Frosty said:

I hope I don't get a note from a mod for the quote but I'm going to save this line and make a poster for the shop. Maybe take to club  meetings, we have young members who speak in textlish and there's no telling what they mean. I can just look at them blankly then point to the Natkova poster.

Oh yeah buddy, you bet I'm naming if for you.

Frosty The Lucky.

Lol this  atocorrecteris (autocorrecter) killing me I will decide (decode) /see/it for you , it does not show from first place and I don't know how it got send like that 

6 hours ago, Frosty said:

I hope I don't get a note from a mod for the quote but I'm going to save this line and make a poster for the shop. Maybe take to club  meetings, we have young members who speak in textlish and there's no telling what they mean. I can just look at them blankly then point to the Natkova poster.

Oh yeah buddy, you bet I'm naming if for you.

Frosty The Lucky.

Your skool taller a bit k will have to Grint it to se how it will go


So yeah " Your look taller a bit I will have to get to it to see how it will go.

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You and me both Nat, I can't turn autocorrect off without having to search for how and all I want is spell check. Underline spelling "errors" is all I want or need. But every time this thing updates I have to go through the preferences and try to find where to set them AGAIN. It's not like the Professional ITs can let you keep your own preferences, Oh NO:o they're the experts, what do we know? 

I knew either your translation program or spell check rewrote your sentence but it was too good a straight line to let pass. I might make a poster from it anyway, it puts a smile on my face. :)

Be well Brother.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Ok make it but let me know how it look after all there are some my copyrights on it :P

Here is how it all went today 


Will have to see more details make arch and will see will I add another one stove pipe Ian not sure for now.

If opening is too big I can shut it with some drilling and some riveting 



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I tried but my comp was loaded with Win 365 and there is no simple way to do anything, Open word? I need several passwords to open the stupid thing! It isn't a worm can of fancy bells and whistles it's a 55gl drum of them and every stinking one has a name that doesn't correlate with what it does!

Great, I finally stumbled on Word, not only does it save everything to the cloud, the program runs in the cloud! Even when I set it to save on my comp it saves to Onedrive cloud! Which translates to in China.

Sorry for the rant but . . . GRRRR!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Billy why I can't make two separated pipes that draw away smoke why it must be joined together.

Well if I will ripcut stove pipe I can in advance say  I will get it ruined and will have two halves ruined pipes and U bend sheet metal.

Can you tell me guys which diameter is supposed to be good for forge chimney ?


Mine is 4 inch around 10 cm how much I need for it to draw good.

And I tend to avoid it being tall above roof I only expel smoke trough elbow where I can control if some fire catch up or something happen.


I also need to cut ball more or dig it in dirt because this ( shape make it not to lay flat and hole goes up too much.

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I got it now Nat. Were having trouble with translation programs, nobody quite understands the other but it's close.

Your original question about using two small smoke stacks from one hood is yes you can. It might not be best but it'll be better than just one. 4" stove pipe is pretty small. Most folks seem to use 8" or larger.

What Billy is talking about is how a stove pipe is held together. I don't know what you have available to you but here each length of stovepipe comes open along it's length. You close them into a pipe by pressing the edges of the seam together, and they lock in place making a single piece. There is no rip cutting anything

What he was saying is, starting with open stovepipe sections you can put two different ones together to make one 2x as large. For example two 4" dia, stove pipes put together along their seams makes One 8" dia. stove pipe. Does that make sense?

An 8" stove pipe carries 4x as much as much as a 4" pipe. Meaning one 8" pipe will carry 2x as much as two 4" pipes.

I hope that didn't get as confusing as it seems when I read it back!

Frosty The Lucky.

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Nat, you can certainly use multiple small stacks, but you're going to need more than two.

The draw of the flue is directly proportional to its cross sectional area, and the general recommendation for this size forge is a flue with a 10"/25cm diameter. Because the area of that circle is about 79 square inches/490 square cm and because a 4"/10cm flue has a cross sectional area of about 13 square inches/79 square cm, you're going to need at least six of them.

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