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I Forge Iron

Bought out Non Ferrous Foundry

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So, I have a Johnson gas furnace from way back for melting non ferrous..   I put it on the side and with the new school going along I have been looking for a Muller and few other items.. 

I was lucky enough to find a Non Ferrous foundry selling all it's equipment..  I bought the whole thing. 

I now have about 1 ton of green sand,  2 gas furnaces,  4 mullers, about a dozen flasks, air rammer as well as a bunch of other items. 














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Steve, never does.. NO matter the space it's always to small.  


There is tons of space.. Just looks full in the photo. Good place for a martial arts flick.. :) 

Space wise I will actually have exactly what was planned..  :)   

It's a joke of sorts..  the space won't  get any bigger as the building is this x size..  LOL..  I thought it was funny anyhow..  

The Manlift deserves a good home.. LOL.. 

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Loot from all the same place..

There is a cutoff bandsaw, an electric hacksaw, 4 mullers, 2 furnaces, 12 flasks, about 1700lbs of sand, Osborne molders press, Pyrometer, several 02 lances with reg, a core CO2 lance and reg, Molders hand tools, Aero rammer..  I'm sure there will be a few other items as well.  oscillator spindle sander, heat treatment oven. 

I'm happy to get it all at this point..  I'll have to sort thru stuff once the areas in the school get arranged..   I won't need 4 mullers so might look at getting rid of 1 or 2..  The cutoff saws and the electric hacksaw will go on that list since I have extra all ready in larger format.. 

1 more load should do it. 

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Have you done much casting or planning on getting into it? That's a darned large scale operation. CO2 hardening casting sand isn't "greensand" casting though ramming up a mold is essentially the same. Makes good solid molds and fast. 

That's going to be fun sorting out and setting up. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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The co2 will be primarily for cores..  

I've done a little casting some 30+ years ago..   Plan is to get into it more and more and eventually do some cast iron.  

Not high on the priority list now but all this took place looking for a Muller..  I have a furnace that IIRc will do 13lbs of aluminum. Been a long time. 

And NO using CO2 is not green sand..  :)      

Like all things I take on..  Something thought of 40 years ago eventually takes place.    LOL.. Right place. right time..    

Will be fun for sure.. 


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So interestingly enough the furnace I had 30+ years ago is actually a high temp salt pot furnace.  It melts aluminum just fine and always thought it was strange it had the vent.. 

It never had the control box and just used a ballcock with a metering valve.. Worked fine.. LOL..  It's missing all the connections as they went to scrap.. Johnson still has parts from what I can tell. 




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Johnson Gas Appliance supports all their products, all they need is the model # though the serial # lets them know if it was a special build and you might need a special dooma jigger, detent spring, retainer clip.

What kind of riddler did you get?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Johnson also really loves their hardware and hates to let it go.   I once traded a Johnson mixing box I had got from a school auction for US$5 for 5 gallons of Parks 50, brand new and shipped to my door.  (Decided I wasn't going to use the Johnson HT  NG "forge on a pedestal" as DIY propane forges work so well and NG is unnatural where I am at and so didn't need the "spare" mixer.)

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