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I Forge Iron

Vegetable oil as a quench oil?

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Yes, you will just want to preheat the oil before the quench to ~130F (you don't need a thermometer or anything, just stick a piece of hot steel in there until it's hot). Preheating the oil is especially necessary when using vegetable/mineral oil since it is thicker (more viscous) than most commercial quenchants. Preheating the oil lowers its viscosity and creates a smaller vapor jacket around the item being quenched. 

It seems counterintuitive, but hot oil cools faster than room temperature oil. Up to a point of course.

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You know I bet this is covered in the heat treating section. 

Did you read the READ THIS FIRST thread on how to do good searches here?  I get 56 hits on: Vegetable oil quenchants site:iforgeiron.com   and 27 for: vegetable oil  O1 site:iforgeiron.com using google chrome as my browser.

I suggest you check out some of those---particularly the vegetable oil  O1 site:iforgeiron.com  for details.

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It's really neat as you can solid phase weld differing metals at room temp.  The one use I remember was for ships where the super structure was Al and the sub structure was steel and the ship is constructed by welding pieces together.  So since arc welding (or gas welding) Al to steel is a no go.  You have a piece as the boundary layer where it's Al explosively welded to steel. Weld steel to steel and Al to Al, no problems!

Here at New Mexico Tech we have a bunch of explosively made art on campus including repousse and explosive welding.  I've heard 3 or four explosions today up at the EMRTC test pads.

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I got my quench oil from a Safeway bakery and requested oil from the donut fryer. Unfortunately the deli fryer was first to get changed so the shop smelled like burritos and chicken. I was hoping for a donut atmosphere. Oh well.

I wonder how fast you'd have to drive a D10 into another to solid phase weld cold at the contact point? Say the rippers. 

Frosty The Lucky.

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