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I Forge Iron

smelting and venting

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A local place is selling tickets to a local class  "smelting of aluminum cans into ingots to remelt for use later"  Am I missing something here, they have had the so called class before, how does one smelt cans? there is no extraction happening.. I am trying to figure out what is going on here, could it be more than just ignorance on terms of  melting/smelting?

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Given all the Aluminum oxide from the cans it would sure help if they were smelting some of it. I'd call them up and ask if they know the difference between smelting and melting and if not why they felt they were competent to teach such a class!

Just  little whine to go with the smelting and vinting.

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I posted today that its hard to trust them when they dont seem to know the difference between melting and smelting, I had asked them the last time they took money for this class It is just melting and then pouring an ingot, its all about money for them

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I get very worried when people wanting to charge to teach possibly dangerous classes don't even know the terminology correctly.  What else are they getting wrong---the difference between CO and CO2? The dangers of even a drop of sweat or condensation getting into the melt or mold? Etc.

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