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I Forge Iron

My labor intensive letter opener


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Hi all,

I was asking and whining here about issues I had with a WI san-mai (thanks guys). Here is the conclusion:

First mistake (and chalange) was having a 30mm stack, with only 4mm core. That's only 13% of the billt's thickness.blocks.jpg.b381c479c267e367697856cc1943cf4d.jpg


The 6cm billet was strechet out to 23cm, so the core was reduced to only 0.8mm. It was a great chalange, and probably lots of luck, to keep the core centered all along the edge.

Through the proccess, the core lost most of it's carbon to carbon migration. To the point it would not harden. So I was left with a nice looking KSO.

Next time - thicker core and nickel liner. Will appreciate any input or comment


(Sorry. I"m a lousy photographer too)

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It was a method of recycling wrought iron scrap, (or steel), often small pieces that could be collected in a bushel basket. Generally there was a stated limit on how much steel could be in the wrought iron scrap "accidentally".  The term was also used for larger pieces of Wrought Iron being recycled by welding into a solid chunk from scrap.

However the smaller pieces makes for a more interesting pattern.

Colloquially: forge welding up scrap to make a larger piece to use. 

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