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I Forge Iron

My New Guilotine

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Here's some pics of a guilotine tool I made. It's based on Irnsrgn's BP0065.
Since I don't have any machine tools, I had to make some changes to construct it. I had to weld up stock to get a proper size for the guide channels.

My post guides are made from 1/2 in. square, with 1 in. flat on each side. That creates a 1/2in. square channel for each post.

Since I have plenty of it, I made this one to use 1/2 in. x 3 in. leaf spring as dies.

So far, I only have four sets of dies (don't have pictures of all of them yet), but I soon found the need to have a strong box to keep everything in.
As I need them, I'll be making more dies and building a bigger box!

I'm just learning how to use this thing: how to make the dies I need, etc.
I've already learned that it's necessary to round/sand the sharp edges of the dies to avoid leaving die marks on the work piece.

The last pic shows 'v' dies in the tool.
These dies work so well that I had to stop myself before I turned all my flat-jawed tongs into 'v-bit' tongs!

Many thanks to Irnsrgn for his fine blueprint!

James Flannery




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Bruce, I used an angle grinder to shape the dies I've made so far.

Larry, I've been using my fingers to raise the top die to insert stock........I haven't tried the springs yet, but that's an option.

Frosty, as soon as I got this thing to the point it would work, I had to try it.
And yeah, I've got to radius some things, and smooth some things on the dies
I always 'hot-forged' my spring swages and never had much problem with sharp edges, but this is a new tool for me.....and I must learn it!

Thanks for the comments, guys. Any tips for improvement are greatly appreciated.
(I need all the help I can get!)

I've already discovered that I must weld a little more metal to the baseplate.....it tends to spread a little with heavy hammering.

Here's a couple more of the dies; a flatter die, and one for round stock.
Yeah, I know, the 1/2 in. round die on the right ........won't work.....already found that out.:)




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Chris, in my crowded little shop, the only place I have for my hammers is on an 8 in. wide shelf behind the anvil. There are also flatters, hot sets, etc, in the precariious heap you see in the pics.

Yes, I need to get the new, larger shop built........soon!

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Jayco, I killed my guillotine tool with just 2 weeks of use, spread the rails, warped and racked the frame etc. Version number two was built much heavier and has served me well through a lot of use. Don't be afraid to revisit the drawing board and change (improve) things to fit your needs.

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Glenn, the guillotine I made is a small tool. Posts are 5 in. high, the tool is only 4 in. wide.
It accepts stock up to 2 in. wide only. I will use it for light work, I think.
I,m already thinking about a larger one, soon as I figure out what I have in the resource pile to use as posts and dies.........scrounging for the materials is half the fun!

ChrisB, you're right, I've got to organize the tools some way. There's nothing more distracting from the work than having to stop what I'm doing and hunt for the tool.
(I know that thing is in there.........somewhere!?!?)

Frosty, that's a good idea! Thanks!

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While we're on the subject of guillotines, I have a couple of questions;

When did the guillotine become a blacksmithing/metalworking tool?

Also, I remember seeing something in one of the old books about making a guillotine tool using two large gears laid on their side........opposing each other as posts. You used one of the slots between the teeth on each gear as the guides.
Has anyone ever made/used one?

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