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Has anyone used with of these, Unicast 70 or Plicast Hymor 3000kk, as a castable refractorycement when building a propane forge? Assuming over high heat ceramic blanket in a typical freon tank body.

  • 7 months later...

Older thread, but I ran across it in my travels and figured I should chime in to help the next guy that reads more than posts like I've been. It's a mullite based low cement castable refractory, Everything I've been able to read has me comfortable using the HyMOR 3100 special kk on my forge. 


Granted, I know very little about forges compared to the grey beards of the board, but I tend to catch on pretty quick on most everything I do.


Here's the data sheet for the product I'm using in case anyone is interested. The numbers look good to me compared to other products I considered. I don't think you can go wrong with it, but I've been wrong before and will always be willing to learn if someone a bit more knowledgeable would like to point out something I missed.



Plicast HyMOR 3100 Special KK.pdf


I started going gray when I was in my early teens, now it's highlights of a few dark hairs in a sea of silver.  I'm turning 40 years old this month haha


Around here, we call guys that been around doing the thing awhile grey beards, it's meant with the up most respect


I think it's the rotating thumb bird! :o

I never had a gray beard, faded from red to white like Dad and all my uncles and male cousins. Does pink beard count?

The chem sheet on the castable looks good. Kastolite 30 has better insulating properties being a bubble alumina refractory. About the same otherwise though. The stuff should work fine for you.

We responded to Mr. Spronez's calling it a  castable refractorycement. The only time I've seen that mixed metaphor it's been refractory cement not a refractory up to being a flame face.

Frosty The Lucky.

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