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I Forge Iron

Gubs coal forge


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I’m new and I’m makeing a coal forge for knife makeing i will be documenting it here

Here are my pieces I’m useing for the frame I’m going to put them together soon for the legs I’m useing 29 inch pieces of assorted wood and a piece of particle board for the table section and the thin piece for the supports


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Sounds a bit deep for what you want. I like my 2" deep rotor. It's set into a metal plate table with fencing around it so if I Do need a little deeper fire I can stack fuel up but for smaller things and knives too it will be tough to get in the better part of the fire with that deep a forge pot/ rotor. 

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Instead of using a screw on cap for your ash dump, an exhaust flap cap as seen on semi trucks works much better. They clamp on and the counter weight holds them closed, to dump the ash simply reach under the forge table with whatever's in your hand and lift the counter weight. Another benefit comes when you get a little gas buildup and it pops. Sometimes it can be powerful enough pop to blow burning coals out of the forge but with a flap cap ash dump the pressure just opens the dump and it all falls in the bucket you keep under it;)

Frosty The Lucky.

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Me and my grandfather welded it together and added places for the legs to go once I get them they are 1/2 fittings they should work that long piece is aluminum i have to be careful with it or the threads will come off



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Lol Charles, I don't know it all yet but I know some things pretty well, and some advise is important to get good results. I'm always willing to pay attention and try out better ideas to get better results and pass on what I've learned to others to help them work easier/better. Hah no I'm not worried about a slot in the curmudgeon realm. Just trying to help others get to forge with a chance at success. ( I'm sure all the curmudgeons agree on that point. ) been there, failed or succeeded at that. This works, that doesn't. Sure, I'm silly enough to forge tongs on a chunk of granite to see if I can. It works. But I can see this forge needs some help to work " well". Naw not " working" on curmudgeon status but I/ we might be them one day. You are darned closer then me lol. I did buy the bed pump to try out some jabod forges this summer. I might catch up ;) 

I do know my brake rotor forge well. We have been going 4 or so years strong with minimal change. ( can't wait to say ten years lol. ) 

Oh, and the 2" flap cap does not fit 2" black pipe. Try a bigger size unless you have a welder. Frosty! 

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Sheet metal table top with a hole cut to fit the inner rotor diameter and what ever as a stand as long as it is sturdy. Flap cap can easily be made. Good welding time with your grandfather. Enjoy it. I missed out on so much that my grandfather and I could have bonded on and all kinds of knowledge I could have gained. 

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Uh.  . . .  About the 2" flap cap not matching 2" black iron pipe. I've never tried them, I made mine from exhaust pipe and the sizes matched almost perfectly.

I'll try to  remember next time I make the suggestion, give me a kick if you notice me forgetting again.

Frosty The Lucky.

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