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I Forge Iron

Interesting video with interesting hammers

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In '59 nobody worried about hearing protection. That's why so many of us old timers need hearing aids now. In my case it was working in an automotive shop, gunfire and while in the USCG '64-68 as an engineman aboard ships & light houses, all noisy environments that my hearing suffers today.

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Pretty cool video, thanks Doc. I'd read the comments about hearing protection in the notification before I opened the link and watched the video so I was expecting different noise and wondering how hammering gold could possibly compare to hammering hot steel or auto bodies.

It doesn't come close Gold almost won't conduct sound waves t all, it's too malleable so it self damps compression waves. Then it's stacked sheet gold separated by velum. Yeah the shop was loud and ear protection would've been a good idea but it was all thunks, not a bang let alone an ear piercing ring like a missed hammer blow hitting the anvil.

Notice how everybody swings the hammer the same way, almost exactly the same way. Just like the guy who's been doing it for 60 years with the same hammer. Think the hammer's handle has finger marks worn in it?

Frosty The Lucky.

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On 12/2/2017 at 10:33 PM, Irondragon Forge & Clay said:

In '59 nobody worried about hearing protection. That's why so many of us old timers need hearing aids now. In my case it was working in an automotive shop, gunfire and while in the USCG '64-68 as an engineman aboard ships & light houses, all noisy environments that my hearing suffers today.

Thank you for your service and sacrifice Sir! It is truly appreciated!

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