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I Forge Iron

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Hi all,

Seeing the dragonfly that Dogsoldat put on his gate got me thinking about butterflies. I decided that these would be a good project for me. (Butterflies have become a symbol for my daughter since she passed away and my goal is to make one for her cremation niche - bluebutterfly was her email) My mom and sisters and probably nieces will want butterflies at some point. 

Here is the third one that I made, I am finally getting a shape and style that I like. I'm not sure that I will get good enough with the torch (heat treat colors) to get both wings exact (you can see some of that in the pictures)




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I think you have the shape down pretty well. You can control the temper colors pretty closely by using an iron rather than a torch. Simply heat the end of a bar and apply it to the sheet to cause temper colors to run. How large a bar, how hot, how long in contact, movements, etc. etc. are a matter of personal taste. Oh alright, experiment.

Keeping the temper colors will be a whole nother matter, they'll fade and eventually disappear unless you finish them and I don't k now of a finish that'll hold temper colors very long.

Good project, mind company?

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks for the iron suggestion Frosty! I will try that soon. I will be going through my (limited) scrap pile ... Oh I wish I had access to my dad's scrap pile (before my mom made him clean it up and send it to the iron recycler)!!

I wish there were a finish to help preserve the colors! Oh well. 

Any company is welcome. I would love to see other people's ideas and creativity.


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The problem preserving temper colors is they're oxide layers that refract light shining through them, the depth of the layer dictates the color. Being oxide colors they fade as the steel oxidizes till it's gone. Clear coating it changes the depth of the layer and the color.

How about enameled copper wings?

Frosty The Lucky.

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