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Where to source NEW 5160

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I need to source some new 5160. 

Found this site and it seems to be the only one that is selling what I need.

the stock is the right size but about a foot short since they only list it in 36 inch lengths. 



Anyone order from them or have a better place? NJsteelbaron is out of it ( or I can't find it on the site)  where I normally order from when I need known and new.

Not interested in used springs I have enough of those leaf and coils, I need new stock for my next project.



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22 minutes ago, Glenn said:

Did you look at the knife section of the site? As I recall there is a listing of sources for metal there.

Nope will go see now. Wasn't to make knives so I didn't even think to look there. Was for  tool repairs that was commissioned  to me.

Hence the wanting nice new steel since my name is going on it. 

If any is left I'd keep it for either smaller knives or such.  My knife making has turned to mostly PW stuff. and odd ball requests/commissions.



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I found several suppliers with a quick google search. Buying from a knife making supply house will be  your most expensive option other than Ebay. 

Amounts matter also. 

There are also manufacturers of 5160 in  your state.

Now, they'll laugh you out of the country if you tell them you want to by a 12" chunk but they can probably guide you to a local distributor if you ask. 

If I was looking for one piece, a trip to the local spring bender would be my first move.


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I buy the material in bulk 2000 pounds or more at a time. (Got 3000 pounds on the way of 5/8 and 3/4-inch rounds.) I think they carry flats too but minimum order is 2000 pounds. The company is Security Steel in Illinois. I had a HARD time finding anyone selling rounds....which is why I now have to buy bulk. I don't buy bulk flat. 


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9 minutes ago, FieryFurnace said:

I buy the material in bulk 2000 pounds or more at a time. (Got 3000 pounds on the way of 5/8 and 3/4-inch rounds.) I think they carry flats too but minimum order is 2000 pounds. The company is Security Steel in Illinois. I had a HARD time finding anyone selling rounds....which is why I now have to buy bulk. I don't buy bulk flat. 


My GOODNESS Dave you're buying 5160 rd stock by the ton!? You've sure come a long way since you first started posting here. I  knew you were making tools commercially but you must have a lot more going on. I guess I'll have to browse your site.

Every time I read a new post from you it puts a smile on my face.

Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks frosty! I used one ton in the past year and some change....I'm getting in 2000 of 5/8 and 1000 of 3/4 inch. We have expanded quite a bit since those early days. :D I haven't been on here much but I check in occasionally. 

5160 rounds are hard to find. Flats are a bit easier. I even had a lady at Southern Tool steel tell me they didn't manufacture new 5160 anymore. LOL 

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I figured you were just too busy to talk to us anymore. <sniff> I'm always happy when folk I now who work so hard are so back ordered, it's a good thing.

I'm not too surprised someone who specializes in tool steels wouldn't have a lot of information about spring steel. Another thing I see all too often being, If a company doesn't carry it it's not available or no good or. . .

Frosty The Lucky.

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Yup my local steel dealer told me that they didn't make hot rolled 1/4" square.  I told her I had been buying it for years from a dealer 40 miles away and it was a lot cheaper per foot than their cold rolled 1/4".  She asked the company and told me that their prices were better than that company's.  Which I found very amusing.

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