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I Forge Iron

i Wonder......?

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What is the weldability of lead? I know you can't use the SMAW or the GMAW process, but I wonder if you are able to use the GTAW process. I do also happen to know the dangers of the fumes that come off lead when brought up to extreme heat, but this only holds true if you get the piece hot enough for the material to vaporize. Maybe on a very low current. Does it weld on AC,DC+, or DC-?? Any answers?


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  • 3 weeks later...

I made several lead lined (1/4 inch) containers for radioactive syringes for a technician to have at several area hospital, I cut the lead with a skill saw and used a router to rebate the corners and then just soldered the seams. A 4ft by 4 ft half sheet of lead is not light.

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I used to inspect trash burners and I got minor lead poisoning.Let me just tell you that it is the worst feeling in the world.Always feel like you been up for 3 days scatter brained I stay away from lead every chance I get.If you have kids strip in the shed and wash your hands with cascade .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was in the battery business for several years - poured many a post and strap -always used gas. Although we had an electric 'post burner' I never used. It had a ground strap and a 'burner' end that was somewhat pointed. These were attached to a transformer ( low v, high a ? ) that pulged into 110v. It worked like a 'resistance' soldering iron (like came with my 40 yr. old Forney welder) . The current through the lead heated it up to the melting point. Never did get any good with it but it did work.

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