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Hello everyone. Ive accomplished the two hardest parts of setting up an anvil, Ive got the anvil, and Ive got something to put it on. kinda interesting story about how we got the stump (pretty much about people being nice). So now what do I do? I have seen alot of different things people do to their anvils, from wrapping chains around to putting magnets on to putting nails around the bottom edge. How do I secure it well? What are the chains and magnets for? What would you guys do next? Thanks for the help.IMG_0972.thumb.JPG.99b1e53d9e67eeecc5756

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First thing to do is remove the bark, then but straps on the stump to keep it from splitting.

Jr. Strasil (ironsrgn) suggested driving angle iron against the feet and into the stump so it would no walk around. For a small anvil this is great as it allows you to lift the anvil and lay it on its side, or nose down, or heel down. The curves between the feet, and the curves between the feet and waist make a nice swage block for making bends. You bought the whole anvil not just the face, so why not use the whole anvil?

I like to bed an anvil down in 3 or so inches of sand. The sand kills the ring and you can adjust the anvil height as needed by how high or low it sits in the sand.

Others will tell you to securely fix the anvil to the stump. Some like a couple loose wraps of chain around the waist. No matter what method you use, you want to kill the vibrations which cause the anvil to ring.



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7 hours ago, NickOHH said:

I used some flat bar wih a couple holes drilled right outside the feet with long lags goin into the stump holds it real tight and I drop tools in the slot to keep em handy when needed .

If you are confused by this just look at NickOHH's profile picture.

Also, what brand anvil is that? To me it looks like a Fisher and if that's the case you don't need any magnets or chains becuase these anvils were constructed to be quite.

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Mine until 4 weeks ago set (when I'm done with the new stump it will be the same) on a stump with 4 lag bolts holding down the base, it's a 213 lb. PW with good lips on the base,  same stump it had been on for 75+ yrs. from pictures I've seen.  I don't use chain or noise reducers as I don't have neighbors close enough to bother with.  Mine has never had a strap around it for cracking.  Changed it for height improvement.   I have a picture somewhere but can't find it this AM.  It's on "Show me your anvil sight"

I like it bolted down as I sometimes have to move it between shops or around the shop with a handtruck or tractor bucket.  It's been moved so many times between farms and states it almost loads itself when I back the trailer up to it. It's been moved so many times it's got "Frequent Flyer" miles on it now. 

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Forging Carver its definitely not a Fisher. It rings pretty loud. I posted here before asking for an ID because there is nothing to identify and people said it looked like a Peter Wright. So for the chain is it just looselywrapped around Its base? How do you guys keep it from falling off?

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48 minutes ago, MrDarkNebulah said:

Forging Carver its definitely not a Fisher. It rings pretty loud. I posted here before asking for an ID because there is nothing to identify and people said it looked like a Peter Wright. So for the chain is it just looselywrapped around Its base? How do you guys keep it from falling off?

It will quiet down a good bit just being secured down to the stump also so the chain might not be nessecary. Won't be silent but it does help ALOT.

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Another option I actually prefer is to trace around the outline of the anvil base, get a router and cut a pocket 1/4" deep or so the exact shape of the anvil. This keeps the anvil from moving around while still being easy to remove for transport. Route a little deeper if you want to put a bed of silicone under it. A piece of flat bar with a couple lag bolts should hold well enough if you really want to secure it.

I also second the chain wrap for damping down the ring.

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