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I Forge Iron

Beginners Projects

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Although it goes somewhat contrary to "conventional wisdom", ... I'd recommend tackling something that you find particularly interesting, ... regardless of it's technical complexity.


For instance, ... I like to make "useful" things, ... rather than "ornamental" things.

Even though the "money" is more often to be found in ornamental work.

( Shoot, ... if I was "in it for the money", ... I'd still be designing Automation Systems. )


It's much easier to maintain your enthusiasm, when you're making something you want, or need, ... and intend to use.



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I'll second Smoothbore. I've been accused of making items just for the excuse to make the tooling to make the item. I like tools and tooling. Even if all the difference between existing tools is a millimeter bigger or smaller on the punch. Or a curve for a chisel.

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