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I Forge Iron

First knife on my 2x72


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The blade is 1095 4.125" long overall 8.125". The handle is dyed red heart and stainless bolsters and pins. I tried an edge quench to show a basic hamon but it didn't turn out as planned. Etched in ferric 6:1 mix. Im thinking i may have to con Charles in to helping me with the sheath. I'm happy with the end result even after a few mistakes. This one is just for me to carry and see if I'm on the right track or not. Looking forward to see what you guys think.







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thank you for the response. I made a stropping block today with some leather and a 2x4, it seems to hold the edge well and gets very sharp without rolling the edge. just a side note, I didn't have any green rouge so I tried mothers polish on the leather and it works fairly well.

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looks like a knife laddie!

About the Hamon not turning out as you had planned, tell us more specifics. Like how long you etched (BTW-I think your ferric solution may be too week by half), how you sanded the finish, etc. These items may be why you didn't get the results you were trying for.

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The blade was etched three times, twice for ten seconds and last for twenty seconds. Between each etch I cleaned the blade with fine steel wool and wiped clean. After the etch I used mothers polish and hand polished till my fingers hurt :unsure:. The original finish was to 800grit. When I did the heat treat I was trying to do the Hamon without clay to see if would work, but I think next time I'll use clay and see if that helps define the Hamon better.

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Let me know when your up for "destructive testing" ;-) if it lives with me a hear its a keeper (-D

best compliment I heard. Was His Wife, "I like it, its a lot better than the one you carry." Lol. 

TJ were talking about it, and we were wondering what makes the etchent cut the harder steel at a diferent rate than the softer. Being that chemicaly they are the same. 

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