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I Forge Iron

First thing you ever made for YOURSELF


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So I've just passed my first anniversary in blacksmithing, still a total Newb, but I just now finally got around to making something for myself.  Everything else I've made up to this point has either been to sell, to give away, or simply to learn on.  But I needed a gate handle so this weekend I finally stopped everything and made myself one. 

So.... what's the first thing you ever made for YOURSELF that was NOT a blacksmith tool or accessory (ie tongs, hardy tools, etc) and NOT a bottle opener ('cause c'mon, it's one of the first things most folks make)?    Do you even remember?   Pictures?   

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Too long ago to remember, I think dirt was still being perfected. Probably just steel mashed around with a hammer to no planned results when I was 8 or so.

Frosty The Lucky.

​Frosty, then it was probably one of those new inventions, the wheel?     :D    

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JWS, EXACTLY!  It was a mind blowing concept to me, which is why I asked the question.  I was actually keys in hand on the way to Home Depot to purchase a new gate handle and some brackets and I had one of those stop in your tracks, "Wait a minute!  I have a forge, I have steel, what am I thinking?!" moments.  Yes...yes you can make something for yourself.  I know....mind officially blown.

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lol, normally when I need stuff like that, I do the head shake and then continue to home depot. most of my steel in the shop is high carbon and while I could make a lovely w2 gate hinge I think its better used in my knives.. :) that being said, it only took me 19 years to make a knife for myself. lol


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I started forging precisely to make things for us. Then I got a first small commission, and then another. But I still forge for ourselves. What I forge looks and especialy feels better than what we are offered at the Home Depots of the world.

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