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I Forge Iron

Pallet Wood Gate


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Decided to use an old pallet I had laying around to build a dog gate for our stairs.


This is the first project I've forged anything for our own house.  I'm pretty happy with how all the hardware turned out, the gate operates really good and is very sturdy.  I could've spent a lot more time on the forge work, but I have other projects stacking up at the moment.










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I am planning right now ways to incorporate my previous time spent working with wood with my newfound metal skills. I love this kind of project, simple and clean and manages to be beautiful. Not to mention functional and practical. That hits on all cylinders for me. Nice job.

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Nice work Jonathan. The latch swings past the corner when it's open. Yes? Details like latches poking holes in a wall is a PITA if a person isn't careful designing things.


What's the dog think? Our dogs wouldn't be pleased but life isn't fair if you're a dog.


Well done all round.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks everyone.


I'm actually going to leave it finished as is, I sanded the wood and applied Tung oil to it.  I wanted it to still be distinguishable as pallet wood and in person it actually goes well with our Hickory flooring.


The dogs aren't fans, but we've had a plastic baby gate on the steps for the past six years, so they're used to the injustice of not being able to go upstairs and do as they please.  Now they can feel violated in a more aesthetically pleasing manner :D.  All the main living areas are downstairs, so the only time they have any business being upstairs is when we are up there watching a movie.


Frosty - Very good point on the latch, yes it easily clears the end of the wall and the hinges clear as well.


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is there a handle on the inside---a simple horizontal bar to lift the latch by rotating or is it a reach over?


We have a cat "gate" for our bedroom---need to have the door open for the swamp cooler to cool our bedroom; but my wife has a rather extreme dislike of our cats leaping down from the top of the armoire onto her in the middle of the night.  So I put an interior screen door.  Not nearly as nifty as your dog gate though!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

That looks great.  i like it a lot, much better than any plastic baby gate.

one suggestion.  when open, it sticks into the walkway/hallway.  any way to make it an accordion/bi-fold door so it tucks into that piece of wall between stairs and hallway?  I am envisioning a center hinge with a locking pull pin.   

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That looks great.  i like it a lot, much better than any plastic baby gate.

one suggestion.  when open, it sticks into the walkway/hallway.  any way to make it an accordion/bi-fold door so it tucks into that piece of wall between stairs and hallway?  I am envisioning a center hinge with a locking pull pin.   


Yeah I believe that could be done fairly easy.


Where it overhangs the wall is an open area so it doesn't bother us any, that and the fact that it remains closed and is only opened for passage, and then closed back.


If it were to be designed to be left open I believe I'd be doing as you suggested with the accordion design, that's a good idea that I'll store in the memory bank for the next one I'm sure I'll eventually be convinced to build - thanks  :D .

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