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I Forge Iron

My scrapyard anvil

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So I went to the scrapyard the other day and grabbed a two foot section of track. I also scored ten spikes and a plate that the track fits in. Ill throw a pic of that up tomorrow. So I cut through this RR track with my angle grinder, it took me like 6 hours and I busted my Milwaukee grinder. I had my friend helping and she went to cut in when we were  90% done and the disc broke. We tried to take the locking nut off and it was jammed. So I took a pipe wrench to the nut and broke the lock on my grinder. But she brought over her grinder today and we finished the cut. It helps to know a chick thats a XXXXXX Iron worker...



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Nice, where's your PPE? :o  Looking cool is one thing, but not when your dead.  I've had more than a few customers end up in the hospital from grinders.  One in particular had a wheel come apart and go through his ankle, boot and all.  He was down 6 months.  Another had half his nose half removed by a wheel, and he was wearing glasses and face shield. :unsure: Be safe, that way you can enjoy the things you make. B)

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She's wearing gloves, boots, glasses and ear protection, short of a full face shield and maybe a leather apron I don't see what more she could do.

Anyway, congrats on the anvil and on a good days work, now to get some iron hot and get pounding!

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Posted · Hidden by Steve Sells, June 17, 2014 - need to decide if its worth posting
Hidden by Steve Sells, June 17, 2014 - need to decide if its worth posting

PPE is necessary, but sometimesyou can go too far to the point where it's unrealistic.

safety equipment is unrealistic?  It is simply making a list of all body parts you can do with out, and protecting the rest.  Can you please explain what you meant by that, coming from your many months of experience?

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