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I Forge Iron

Fisher anvil with Fisher stand

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This was too neat of a combo to pass up, and at a price that was way too good to pass up.
Before this I had only seen pictures of a Fisher anvil stand.

Seller said he believes that they have been in his family since new.
Fisher 100# anvil has 1927 on it, I'm assuming the anvil and stand were bought at the same time.
I really like the matching bolt lug holes on the anvil & stand, cool stuff.
Also the bolt holes that allow you to bolt it to the floor.
The stand is quite beefy all on its own.





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Greetings Frog,


I have the same anvil in just as good shape..  I also have the same stand butt mine is for a larger Fisher .  The lug holes don't match probably a 150.. I made a J hook and it works just fine..  I don't  use it , just part of my stuff....  I mounted mine on a 3in base it was a bit low for me...  


Keep smelling them out...


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Fisher made at least 6 different size anvil bases, maybe more.  They mostly fit about two sizes, then changed.  They were made for anvil up to 350/400 lbs.  350 was the biggest size that had the mounting lugs, although I have seen a few 400's with the lugs.  However, most 400's do not have the lugs. 


The bases took a huge flask to make.  They were cast from the same cast iron that the anvils were poured from.  They always had extra molds made to use up any iron they had left after pouring the anvils.  In the latter years, Crossley also cast manhole covers and housings, and sewer grates and frames out of the left over iron.  In the early years, cast iron building stars were the product.

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That is beautiful, I ran across a massive fisher the other day, a couple are using it as a display beside their mailbox, it is in perfect condition from what I could see from the road, I may go back this week and talk to him about it, really just to see how big it actually is. it looks good sitting where they have it, but would look better in someone's shop in my opinion. ;)

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That is beautiful, I ran across a massive fisher the other day, a couple are using it as a display beside their mailbox, it is in perfect condition from what I could see from the road, I may go back this week and talk to him about it, really just to see how big it actually is. it looks good sitting where they have it, but would look better in someone's shop in my opinion. ;)

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Yup, Duluth!  I happened to be traveling to that area late last week.


......as long as I was there...  ;)


Unfortunately the seller had recently painted the anvil and stand.  That was done on top of some older paint layers....

Took quite a bit of cleaning time to get it looking nice.

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