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I Forge Iron

where to buy medium carbon steel online.

mind taker

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First off I like to say hi and watch out for my poor grammar and spelling.


OK now that I said that.

Dose anyone know where I can get higher medium carbon steel online such as 1050~1065.

Most preferably in a square or round bars, but flats are more then ok.







I can only find 1045 and lower and 1075 and higher.

I plan to make swords and would like to stick with carbon steel to keep them on the historic side.That and I prefer to work with and use carbon steel.I understand that carbon steel can rust and so on.  

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This is local for me but there main business is online
PPC Specialty Metals Inc.
They will sell any size you want with no cut charge
Hope this helps

I can't seem to be able to find a store front.

I take it you have to call them up or email them to make a purchase?


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have you looked in the supplier listing ? '?do=embed' frameborder='0' data-embedContent>>

Yes, but I did not find anyone with medium carbon steels. I can only seem to be able to find medium carbon steels in bulk order by the ton.

I'm began to think my best bet would to reuse something, anyone know of anything made of medium carbon steels the often scraped?

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find a local metal supply. They should be able to get it in for you, and will probably be less than buying off the internet with shipping. Especially in the quantities that you need. (which FYI isn't much for a metal order) I've found that buying only, where it's convenient, is a waste of money. The only caviot is that you've got to have a way to transport smaller orders from your local supplier. If you're getting a large order of metal they will usually deliver if you're not to far away from them.


Not to mention it keeps the money in your area. buy local, grow local.

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this is assuming your in the USA,  you have not posted a location, it helps to know if your East or west USA, or even Russia when looking for things.

I"m in the mid north east of the us. I rather not say any more than that.

There are a few places that sell structural steel nere by, but that's about it.


I think I'll just go with some 1045 off amazon, which is covered by amazon prime.

I know it will not hold as good as an edge as 1060, but it will do. If PPC is of no help.

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We order all our 1060 for our axes,hawks and adzes from Peerless steel..You'll need to call them but they sell it.




If you combine 1045 and 1080 in equal parts and forge weld this will yield approx. 1060 overall and give toughness and some decent edge retention. I am assuming of course you can forge weld.

I rather not forge weld, I only forged welded copper once and nerver steel. But I can add that to the idea list.


Thanks for all the help guys

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Just so you will know,,,not that you will care. When someone answers a general location question with:


I"m in the mid north east of the us. I rather not say any more than that.:


i tend to withhold any information I may have that will help them. But in this case you have been given wot you need by others. Have fun and take pics.

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Yet another person that wants to make a sword and has NO basic knowledge of Blacksmithing ,Forging,or Blade making skills. as well as tries to be vague as to where they live , lack of research,unwillingness to read the Newbie's threads and Pined tutorials.


Good Luck with your endeavors !



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Yet another person that wants to make a sword and has NO basic knowledge of Blacksmithing ,Forging,or Blade making skills. as well as tries to be vague as to where they live , lack of research,unwillingness to read the Newbie's threads and Pined tutorials.


Good Luck with your endeavors !



I take that as an insult. I so happen to have already made a sword. And how on earth do you know anything about what I know or read.

Your not going to get very far in life just blindly insult folks. <_< And I so happen to value my safety online.

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I'm sorry, but I think it was meant as an insult. You can list a state, or even a county and still protect your online safety. And I can assure you, no one from here is going to come knocking on your door. but to be frank, you come off crass and as discribed in the "insult" post. I would agree with Rich. in how he's less inclined to help you seeing as how you've proven yourself to be unwilling to help yourself by fulfilling a simple request as a general location.


I also find it hard to beleive that there are no metal supply places near you. Especially if you're in the NE of the US. Either you haven't looked hard enough, or you're not willing to look at all.


making metal into the shape of a sword does not a sword make. Without knowing the ins and outs of the metalurgy, the ins and outs of the full sword making process, and the proper balance and distribution of the material within a swords make up can you say you made a sword. and since you're having trouble finding stock to make a knife, I find it hard to beleive you made a real sword.


I'm not trying to stir the pot, I'm just calling it how my novice blacksmith eye see it. there may come a time when I try my hand and blade making, but I'm not there yet, and I understand that. One must first learn to walk before they run. and in this case, learning to source materials that you know are available is one of the first steps.


I apologize if you take offence to what I have to say. It is what it is. May your forge be ever hot and you anvil ever ringing.

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IF you contacted the people in the supplier list you would already know who has your steels, and how much it will cost to send it to you, but if you want it from accross the street from you,  no one here can help you,  too many streets around.   Your post said online, so shipping isnt much of an issue. So its clear how little you have read,  have fun

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I take that as an insult. I so happen to have already made a sword. And how on earth do you know anything about what I know or read.

Your not going to get very far in life just blindly insult folks. <_< And I so happen to value my safety online.



First off I like to say hi and watch out for my poor grammar and spelling.


OK now that I said that.

Dose anyone know where I can get higher medium carbon steel online such as 1050~1065.

Most preferably in a square or round bars, but flats are more then ok.







I can only find 1045 and lower and 1075 and higher.

I plan to make swords and would like to stick with carbon steel to keep them on the historic side.That and I prefer to work with and use carbon steel.I understand that carbon steel can rust and so on.  



Yes, but I did not find anyone with medium carbon steels. I can only seem to be able to find medium carbon steels in bulk order by the ton.

I'm began to think my best bet would to reuse something, anyone know of anything made of medium carbon steels the often scraped?




I rather not forge weld, I only forged welded copper once and nerver steel. But I can add that to the idea list.


Thanks for all the help guys

as well as you should posting your location is far from "Violating your Safety" It allows Us the IFI Community to simply help you find what you requested to find as to your very Vague location it seems to be in the upper Northern states and there is a ton of steel available up there . as for what you do or have Failed to read the Newbies area it is that Obvious you lack the skills to make, build or even produce a KSO = Knife Shaped Object much less a useable sword .


Lack of reading ability and proof = If you had read what Steve had posted in the way of Suppliers you would have seen one of the suppliers that is in fact a member on here and sells steel to this very community for YES Knife making and Blacksmithing projects . The Fact as you stated you have NEVER Forged steel solidifies your true abilities or the lack there of in the Smithing world.



**"I take that as an insult. I so happen to have already made a sword. And how on earth do you know anything about what I know or read.

Your not going to get very far in life just blindly insult folks. <_< And I so happen to value my safety online."**


Now Let me tell you just how "Far in Life I have Got" I am a US Vet served well over 25 years now retired due to injuries sustained in Combat and Made it Home Unlike Many of my Brothers & Sisters that gave their lives so you could live . I have in fact made many knives ( the longest at 18 inches) yet every single one I made are solid and very usable. I have two wonderful and Awesome daughters ,  Home schooled one now in 4 grade ,two years above where she should be, the other is a cancer survivor 7 years Now and she has made up 3 years of schooling and Both are Straight "A" Students in advanced classes . 


I have accomplished most all of my dreams and I am Very Happy with my life  !  When and If you reach my age And I hope you do I hope you learn to respect others some time in your life and Not be such a Prude about other people trying to help you or NO you will Never Make it far in life or with your Endeavors in the smithing world as what you must remember it is a working Community that helps each other and teaches and learns from each other.


Best Regards Young Man



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Since you didn't post a name how will a general location make any difference? (Or should we call you Rusty?)


Can you tell us about the sword you made?  What is the weight, length, width, thickness, configuration?  Where is the vibration node in the handle? Can you post a picture? 


I still fondly remember my first SLO carved with a pocket knife from a palm frond at Coco beach FL back in the 1960's---I never suspected what it would lead to!

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Wow son, you've riled the natives.  Understand, there's a lot of experience and knowlege floating around on IFI.  Kind of like a family here.  If you want help that's fine, don't post pics of your work then brag on what you've done.  When you can build a knife that can pas the ABS test then you can boast a little, until then ask then listen.

Had you looked you might would have found leaf springs are a great source of steel for blades, especially large blades.  "hint; late '80's chevy truck springs work great with minimum forging".

I'd post an apology if I were you, the humble learn the most.  Just sayin'.

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