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I Forge Iron

Pattern welded drop point


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I have made one knife from cable but this is my first actual pattern welded blade.
I used scrap metal for the two steels and didn't quite get the contrast I wanted but here it ispost-25948-0-58188500-1374972507_thumb.jpost-25948-0-45370900-1374972536_thumb.jpost-25948-0-89499000-1374972604_thumb.jpost-25948-0-18500800-1374972639_thumb.jpost-25948-0-87737100-1374972671_thumb.jpost-25948-0-74696900-1374972704_thumb.jpost-25948-0-07230200-1374972751_thumb.jpost-25948-0-20430300-1374972807_thumb.jpost-25948-0-15940700-1374972823_thumb.j

Overall length 6 3/4 in
Blade length 3 in
Handle length 3 3/4
Blade is 1/8 in thick at thickest point
The guard is brass
The handle is desert ironwood

Comments and criticism welcome

Btw those spots on the blade are from me getting the blade too hot during ht :_(

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Nice usable knife. B)   But one question.  You've got a power hammer and that low of a layer count?  (a cheat is to twist it until the billet is round it will look like more layers.) ;)

Well jmc the ph is my friends and I don't get over there as much as I like.
The reason for not havin more layers is becuz the layers were about the thickness I wanted;this was kinda a shot in the dark so i didn't wanna have too much time in a failed attempt
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