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I Forge Iron

Need help with handle design


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So I was just doing this dagger as a test for creating hamons, but it turned out so well I want to finish it... however I didn't think ahead with handle design.
The blade is a recycled double-convex file, stock removed to shape; the hard part was getting the clay to stay in shape (it's a dagger), so I used so arts-n-crafts pipe cleaners to give the clay better form. I heat treated with my own typical Japanese clay, quenched for half a second in water then moved to oil.
I was hoping you guys would have an idea as to what would match the style. I had been thinking damascus oval guard, and a simple tapering handle, maybe with groove(s) for grip - but I wasn't sold on my own idea.
I would appreciate any input,

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I would forge weld some allthread on the tang (well do a quick tack with the mig then forge it) and thread a butt cap. I'm lazy that way. I don't think you'd have any problems with cracking as you didn't forge the teeth into the blade. I've wondered if that was possible to get a double hammon. Good work, look forward to seeing the finished product.

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