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I Forge Iron

Another great free score today, files

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A machinist friend mentioned he had some old files at the shop that were wore out. He said he'd bring me what he could find. I was expecting 3 - 4 files. And he shows up with a box chocked full. I weighed the box, its 36 lbs, with all different sizes and shapes. I love free metal.


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I've never seen a "worn out" file.

Dull files are common, ... but they're easily "restored", ( sharpened ) by re-etching them in a 50/50 mix of Nitric or Sulfuric Acid, and water..

Immerse the file for about 30 minutes, ... rinse with water, and wire brush the file.

For best results, you might need to repeat 2 or 3 times.

That being said, ... I never pass up "flea market" files, ... even though there must be #200 in my "junk files" drawer.


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For "Technical Grade" acids, an Industrial or Scientific Supply Company can fix you up.

Nitric Acid is commonly used to etch metal, in preparation for plating or painting.

Sulfuric Acid is found in "Lead Acid" ( Automotive ) batteries, ... and is readily available from battery suppliers.


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Bar none, www.unitednuclear.com is the BEST source for chemical supply. I have been buying stuff from them for years. Unfortunately their supply of both nitric and sulfuric acid is sold out. It can take them weeks to months to replenish their stock usually. On the bright side they always sell regeants grade.

Ive also been wondering about lining a furnace with aerogel if it wasn't so darned expensive.

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A couple of years ago I was at a weld test shop in Chattanooga. I was looking around and seen a milk crate full of half round files. I ask about them to see if they were good or if they were going to be scrapped. Not much was said until I was getting ready to leave. The instructor ask if I wanted some of them and I was like oh yeah. Well come to find out they were all (old) files. It was well over 75 lbs of Nicholson files and some other odd files. Needless to say I've got plenty of files and have even given some away. Either way that's still a great score.

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You can get acid at The Home Depot, most hardware stores, pool supplies though not nitric and of course chemical suppliers.

Aerogel isn't likely to make even a momentary forge liner though it may do nicely for an insulating outer liner. I've always wanted to try soaking straw in thin kaolin slip and firing it as an insulating liner. What worked well enough I've never tried making my own is using Kaowool as an outer liner.

Frosty The Lucky.

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I've never seen a "worn out" file.

Dull files are common, ... but they're easily "restored", ( sharpened ) by re-etching them in a 50/50 mix of Nitric or Sulfuric Acid, and water..

Immerse the file for about 30 minutes, ... rinse with water, and wire brush the file.

For best results, you might need to repeat 2 or 3 times.

This is something I've heard done to rasps, and I can believe that it might work to some limited extent with them, but I don't see how it would work with files.
Have you actually done this, smoothbore, or is it just something you have heard?
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I've seen it done with files and used such treated files and in general I feel it's sort of a "half life" thing, not as good as new and lasts about 1/2 as long degrading each cycle. OTOH it does work and if files are hard to source or expensive for you, well you can extend the buy dates out a bit!

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I've done it with white vinegar. The files need to sit overnight (I put them in a shallow pan, on edge, and not touching each other, and cover with vinegar) and then rinse in water the next day. Thomas is right on the money - this doesn't turn a dull file into what I'd consider a 'good' file, but does extend the life a bit.

Haven't tried acid myself, but I will consider it next time I have a batch of files to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Before I started smithing 2 years ago I would go to auctions and pass on baskets of old tools and files that I could have bought for $1 or $2. Now I would kill for those finds, but in fairness, I don't go to the auctions anymore as I am usually trying to use that time smithing....

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