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I Forge Iron

i inherited my grandfathers blacksmith tool's. What now?

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I have found through this great blacksmith group, that my grandfather or I now have a swage forge 250 plus lbs. a couple of anvils, many tools for the trade. I don't know what many are. One looks like a bowl with a stand and tools that go with it. I have an auctioneer set for Dec. 08, 2012 I hope this is a good idea. Not knowing what I really have. Can anyone tell me what the bowl and stand are for? My guess from studing your sight that is may be to cook coal? Help!

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If you can takes photos of each piece and post them on the thread we can help identify them for you as well as suggest a price.

Please consider putting the items in the tailgating section of IForgeIron (where things are bought and sold) and offering them to the blacksmiths here. You might be surprised just how many items can be sold to a good home where they will be used, rather than to a collector where they will either be stored away, or marked up for resale.

As was suggested add your location to your profile and you will get much better answers to your questions.

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if you desire, why don't you take up blacksmithing and NOT sell the equipment!

I would agree with what this man said ^^

If there's a chance you have a slight interest in blacksmithing, do consider holding on and don't sell the gear. Arrange some lessons and get off on the right foot. Take up where your Granda left off..
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"Can anyone tell me what the bowl and stand are for?" Well it could be for melting lead, it could be a forge, it could be a spoon rest for cooking, it could be a washstand. I have a car with 4 wheels can you tell me what make and model it is? Kind of hard without *DETAILS* like size, any markings on it, what it's made from...why we often suggest pictures.

Now I have been smithing for over 30 years and I don't know what you mean by "swage forge 250 plus lbs" Is this a swage block or a tool for repointing rock drills? Or a powerhammer with a set of swaging dies? The difference in price may be a *factor* of 10 depending!

You will definitely want the auction publicized to all the Blacksmithing groups in your state and surrounding ones. Best prices are when the folks attending *want* the stuff! www.abana.chapter.com has a listing by state.

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Even if you go ahead with the December sale (and I agree with others that you should do it very reluctantly if at all) make sure that you post photos here or a link to the auctioneer's web site. There are enough folk here (including myself) who are within a day's drive of Oklahoma and, depending on what will be sold, would think about driving down for it.

George M.

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