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I Forge Iron

Local auction find, a Trenton!

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Local auction had this anvil that had several coats of horrible paint on it.
I didn't see anybody inspecting the sides or base for manufacturer or weight.
I saw a few people lifting the horn side mumbling... "gotta be over 150#"...

Through the layers of paint, I could make out the Trenton diamond on the side, and I could see the 225 weight stamp on the foot. I had to wait around over 4hrs at the auction before they got to the anvil.... But it was worth it.

I think it is in extremely nice shape, made in 1912.
Has a few very minor chips on the side of the face, but fantastic shape for a 100yr old anvil!

Here she is stripped of the hideous paint, and a good wipe down:




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I was hoping to get it $2/lb, but one other person had their eye on it. I had to go to $500 for it.

200+ pound anvils are hard to find. 200+ pound Anvils in really fine shape are even more rare. So not an absolute steal, but considering the exceptional condition, I was ok with the price.

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....... was half afraid you'd say you got if for twenty bucks because nobody else wanted it!

I will find that somewhere, sometime. That's the fun of continuing to hunt!

I see Matchless has a near mint 150# Trenton pushing $800...

Unfortunately the person who bid me up to the price didn't really know what he was bidding on. Just a bit earlier he had horribly overpaid for an average , nothing special leg vise. I couldn't believe people bid that leg vise up to $185. I figured $80, maybe $100 tops. I was shocked.

I figured if people were willing to overpay that much for the vise, I wasn't going to get this anvil....

I'm sure some were thinking I was crazy for paying this much for just a chunk of metal.
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Nope, my anvilitis has been somewhat cured now.
I'm swearing off buying any more anvils under 200#...... unless it is an absolute steal. ;)

Ha! You think that you're cured now?
The disease is just beginning to take hold....wait till you're fix is a 400+ pounder...
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Ha! You think that you're cured now?
The disease is just beginning to take hold....wait till you're fix is a 400+ pounder...
Yes, I know this is coming. That's why I'm swearing off the smaller ones.
The 'bigguns' are few and far between, so I'm not as tempted so often.
When I found that 527# A&H earlier this year, that solidified the sickness.
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