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I Forge Iron

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WOW! If I had seen that in my search, I would have gladly expressed the money as soon as I could drive to a Western Union! Even with shipping costs it would have been a great price.

To be able to pick it up locally for less than a buck a pound? That's just pure good luck!!

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It would've been an 8hr drive each way for me, but I would have been willing to do that in a heartbeat.
When I saw it, I couldn't type fast enough to get an email off to the seller. Oh well....

I didn't get a make on the anvil, but guessing Budden?
I don't see any flats on the feet for a Wright, has a narrow waist and I don't think Trenton made them that big(?),
I can't quite see any ridges on the underside of the heel for A&H, not a great picture though, and that's pretty big for an A&H one.
My 527# A&H is on the large end of what they made I believe.
I don't think any of the lesser-known manufacturers went up that high in weight, so leaning toward a Budden?

It has been sold for a while- I think the seller leaves the ad up there to torment me. :angry:

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I don't see any flats on the feet for a Wright, has a narrow waist and I don't think Trenton made them that big(?),

Apparently Trenton made one that weighed 1200 pounds. They were capable of making big ones. Whatever make it was, it's definitely a lovely anvil and I'm sure the buyer is happy. I know I would be.
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Why "of all places"? *Any* manufacturing plant of a certain age had a complete blacksmith shop in it---including a glass plant and a sugar refinery I know of personally; not to mention: large hospitals, insane asylums, prisons, even car repair places had a smithy back in the 1920's and earlier!

I bought a book on American Prisons just for the pictures of forges in it.

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