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I Forge Iron

Home build induction heater

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've really missed working on this project and I hope that soon others will be able to make use of it! I just wanted to post a couple updates here.

I've got it hooked up to a decent chiller now. No more pond pump and the 5-gallon bucket with a small computer fan radiator. Although that worked quite well.


I also set the whole thing up on a rolling metal cart from Sam's Club. This was perfect, lots of room on the bottom for the chiller, a small area for spare coils and a shallow top for the induction heater to sit.


I'm now working on the firmware.

"To Infinity and Beyond!" - Buzz Lightyear

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another video, this one goes over the basic functionality of the machine. Not how to use it but more how it works on a high-level. I'll be making videos of each component/system and how they specifically work individually, this is more a walkthrough of how they all work together. (And don't worry, I'll get a microphone before making those videos.)

Have a great weekend everyone! 


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  • 4 years later...

Welcome aboard, Sunco.  If you add your general location to your profile we will be able to give you better answers.  What works in one part of the world may be impractical in another.

As to using induction heating for heating water, yes, you can use it as a heat source.  I use an induction stove every day to boil water.  Is it practical?  That is a much more complicated question.  As far as I know, all tankless water heaters use either gas (natural or propane) or a resistance electric element.  I am unaware of any which use an induction heating element.  I suppose it is possible but you would have to consider whether it would be practical to fabricate an induction heater or use a conventional resistance one.  I suspect that it would be easier in the end to install a commercial tankless water heater than to try to fabricate something using a different technology.

"By hammer and hand all arts do stand."

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  • 1 year later...

Good evening, sir. I am very interested in heating devices. I want to implement them on a large scale. If you have the desire, send this email to xxxemail address removed per TOSxxx interested parties send a PM message...

Edited by Mod30
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  • 1 month later...
On 7/9/2012 at 11:43 AM, monstermetal said:


That thing will not hold up to use as a "forge" Its designed to heat up a single item one time such as a stuck bolt... It will not have the duty cycle to do any actual "work" with it.... I think you would be better off with a propane burner than that thing if the intent is to do blacksmith type work...


If it is simply to be used for heating, I think it will be better to use oxygen acetylene heating, after all, induction heaters have a magical effect on some specific occasions.

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:rolleyes: There is nothing, ZERO magic involved in induction or you could cast a healing spell on your burnt out blow drier and make it work again. It is simple electromotive force applied to vibrate metal atoms and heat them up through increased Brownian motion. First the magnetic field pushes the atoms a fraction of a micron one way then jerks them all back the other way a couple few thousand times per second. It's about as magic as pop corn.

Stories otherwise are urban myth thought up by folks who would rather believe in mystery than crack a book and learn how stuff actually works.

I'm not beating up on you but one of the reasons we're here is to help teach people how things actually work, dispelling myth is part of that. 

And the oxy acetylene torch is probably the single most dangerous tool in a metal shop. And believe it or not it's the oxygen that's the most hazardous.

Welcome aboard Kamau Vito, glad to have you. If you put your general location in the header you'll have a much better chance of meeting up with members living within visiting distance.

Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 7 months later...
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