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I Forge Iron

Happy Thanksgiving 2011


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Happy Thanksgiving from the desert. Sunny with temps pushing 70 today, absolutely beautiful outside.

The pumpkin pies are out of the oven, and I am getting ready to go to Howie's 7th annual Meetup orphans dinner. One of the Meetup group hiking members opens his doors for other members who don't have a place to go for T-day, and Christmas. I have other offers, but I have a fun time at his dinners--and a lot better chance of meeting a single gal there too. Howie cooks a couple of turkeys, and a ham. We bring a side, and what we want to drink. He has between 50-70 people show up through the day, and the last of us will leave around 2am. Good food, and good friends, what more do I need? My pumpkin pies seem to have developed a following,and I have people wait for me to show up with them. My secret? None really , just that everything is from scratch. The only can involved is the sweetened condensed milk.

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