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I Forge Iron

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A while back I needed to have a home made tool Heat treated but I couldn't find any one around here that did it so, one thing led to another and here I am! So far I've made a forge and my own charcoal (no coal around and I had a bush pile) found a railroad track (will be picking it up tonight with a friend as I wore myself out last night trying to carry it back to the road) for an anvil. As for the tool that started it all it's in the tempering stage right now lol.

I had never given Blacksmithing a thought before but after watching some YouTube and reading everything I can (so far) I now can't wait to make that anvil! So much to learn, so much to make and so little time. :D


If you "found" the railroad track, its is a felony to retrieve it from anywhere near the rail road track. Now finding a crew working on it, and asking them what they do with the ends, and tails. May land you a few sizable peices.


Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Update your profile and give your location, OK is pretty spread out. There are a BUNCH of excellent smiths in OK, check the above link for the ABANA group. Also let me suggest...rather, let me recommend that you attend the Saltfork Craftsmen Annual Conference up in Perry, OK this coming Oct 15-16. Registration form is on the site and you will have an opportunity to learn more than you can imagine. I am a member but will not be able to make this years conf as we are visiting out in NM during that time. I will sorely miss it to as there will be 2 FANTASTIC demonstrators there. Also, they will have tailgating, an excellent way to pick up good tools.

Once again, welcome and enjoy the site.


Hayden thanks for the input it's a discarded tail left in the weeds but I'm going to check with the guys to make sure it's all right!

Thomas I live in Cache Ok about 160 miles from Perry I think. Saw them listed and bookmarked the page but have been lost here on this site reading lol. So thanks for the heads-up on the Conference. I'll see if the wife will let me go for the weekend :blink:

David hoping to find a local group if not I'll just have to travel a little lol but, it will be well worth it!


I will be going to the Saltfork Craftsmen Annual Conference up in Perry, OK this year. Me the wife and 2 kids will be heading up there 14th. I can't wait :)


You do that Hayden---I've heard naught but good about the Salt Fork Crew!

I've actually seen the movie about the bank robbery at Cache, filmed in 1908 with Heck Thomas, Quanah Parker and Al J. Jennings or to put it plainly the actors were legendary sheriffs, bank robbers and indian scouts!

My kinfolk are more in the Altus and Muskogee area; but we sold our family land there to a cousin and kept the land in AR.


Is there a group closer to Texas? I'm a stones throw from the Red. The closest group I've found meets South of Dallas every 2 weeks. Thats to far to travel for me



There are members scattered over southwest Oklahoma. There are members in Hollis, Altus, Mountian View, Lawton, Elgin, Fletcher, Duncan. There are meetings in the southwest district almost every month.

I live near the town of Sterling Ok. The meeting in November is at my farm on the 19th. You (or anybody else) are welcome to come join us at the meeting.

Bill D.


Yes, there will be tailgating but you may need to contact someone about bringing coal. In the past several years that I have attended there was not coal being sold. Also, you need to be a member of Saltfork to purchase coal. Some may fuss about that rule but it is only fair as Saltfork secures the coal at a fantastic price for the members. Besides you get a great monthly newsletter with the membership.


Not this year. Had originally planned to make it but we are going out to NM to visit our oldest son and GRANDSON! Will be traveling home on that Sunday. And it's been so HOT here, that and my day job, that I haven't had a fire in the forge since back in June! I was hoping to have a tool made for the tool box again this year but that won't happen. Guess I'll double up next year. Gonna miss everyone but looking forward to seeing those 2! Take some pics and post here, especially of the gallery. Say "Howdy" to everyone for me.

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