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"Of Shoes,and Ships,and Sealing Wax ..."

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i also think your a great writer jake - and if you write and talk so well in my language - i would love to hear what you have to say in your own (maybe this is your own>?) i am always very upset by your talk of yourself, i cant argue becasue i dont know. suffice to say it is upsetting :(. nobodies tale is any good really, but surely it doesnt definately have an awful dire ending??? i think youve a huge ammount of qualities which are obviously valuable to all of us on here - and dissing the locals asside - the macabre and awful stuff in your (never to be released) book would all be part and parcel of the value. dunno exactly what im trying to say really but i hop[e you can pick up the vibe :) :(

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One aspect of fishing from a scaffold that I can think of is that you'd not be trespassing on some jealous bully's self claimed fishing spot. Maybe the indians were loath to compete for the easy fishing spots. I have seen even the mighty griz running for it when caught by wolves fishing in their claims! Well... saw it on TV. Scatology reveals that these wolves do eat some bears too! This in country where the salmon are so thick that many beasts will ONLY eat the heads... leaving the streamside littered with headless salmon. But I think the sporting aspects are a more likely motive... it looks like FUN! Our red brothers were not nearly the uneducated savages that our culture has come to view them as. I noted with interest that the early settlers on our eastern coast found the local indian fishing nets to be far superior to any that "civilized' cultures produced. They said that the indians caught sturgeon up to 15 feet long with their nets and the settlers netting was no match for even much smaller fish. The indian netting was, of course, handmade cordage.

I do love fly fishing! I was lucky to grow up in Nampa Idaho where I could trout fish within easy bicycle riding range. My casting mentor was Ted Trueblood whom you may have heard of. I am still amazed at all that he taught me while he sat on the grass coaching my casting form and told me tales of his adventures. He was a truly gracious man and I wish that he were still with us and that I could introduce you as I know that you'd have enjoyed him greatly! I read an article recently about one of the Orvis casting schools and they spoke of how rarely a student or even instructor could reach the ninety foot mark in the practice pond. I remembered how Ted and I paced off cast after cast at 120 to 125 feet using his steelhead rods. Some casts his and some mine. I realized anew what a privilege it was to learn from him!

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Beth,you're a wonderful,compassionate human being,and it is in fear of upsetting you that i don't say anything truly terrible(although i will,if you won't give up your address!:)).I'm not sure any longer which language is my own...I really like them both,and may be more comfortable with English,since that's the language that i really exist in,on a daily basis.
Russian is a far-out language too(they all probably are!:).Here's one motif in russian fairy tales,which,unlike most of them,does not stem from India(common to all Europe,this set of Indian fairy-tales,Brothers Grimm is a good example-almost a complete set of these,they have largely eclipsed many of the original ones).

There lives an old,humble couple of peasant stock,who have an autistic son.They also have the two older,normal sons(thank God),but that youngest,the runty one,is as goofy as can be.It's a bummer for them,and an embarassement,but there it is...His name is Ivan the Fool(it's actually a word somewhat more durogatory,like an idiot,but not quite that much).

In what way does the idiocy manifest itself?In some very strange ways:Ivan is very kind,especially to some powerless,insignificant creatures,of material or political use to nobody,such as some small,needy,sickly animals,or an old beggar-woman,or other such trash and flotsam.
Also,he's terribly,thoughtlessly,improvident.No thought for tomorrow whatsoever.
It causes the older,practical,brothers merriment and kind of evil satisfaction,to see the reflection of their own superiority in the feeble-minded Ivan.

As a result of his goofy,impulsive acts Ivan hits rock bottom,as could've been easily predicted(and was,by everyone),but he happily bumbles along,the saintly moron,totally heedless of any consequences.The Public Opinion,in the face of the two frugal,cunning,practical brothers gloats over the impending demise of Ivan the Feebleminded.(For some reason,though they despise him,he's also acutely irritating to them).

Then,suddenly,it turns out that Ivan was,somehow,on the right path.The twisted creatures turn out to be magical,the old beggar-woman a (politically)powerful witch,et c.He proceeds to be exhorbitantly rewarded for his weird behavoir,all the way up to and including great wealth,beautiful princess,he and the princess living happily and dying on the same day,the whole enchilada!

To complete this weird,anti-establishment moral,the frugal,sensible brothers,who only were trying to get ahead(even at the price of maybe overstepping some basic decency mores and all that,but still,nothing outrageous),are cruelly punished,and usually greatly humiliated.(The parents are also somewhat punished,and are duly contrite).

Weird tale,but the one always intensely appealing to me,i wanted to be like Ivan the Moron when i grew up!!!(And NOT because of the princess,either,but long before the princesses were an issue at all!).
And failed,miserably,for a number of reasons,but i still won't forgive myself,never!And that's why i talk like a moron,and behave like one,at least i can pay my respects to the ideal!If only symbolically!:)

Clay,that's fascinating!I'm sorry,but i've only the very vaguest idea of flyfishing,other than one MUST read Sir Isaak Walton's"The Compleat Angler" :)I'm not a gentleman...
It sounds very Zen,just gracefully casting,and doing it in all those wonderful places...
Just yesterday,as a matter of fact,this young guy working on one of the barges that docks here,was telling me how beautiful it is in the Alleghenies,in Pennsylvania,where he's from,and how they flyfish in all those mountain streams for trout...

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:) I don't know,Ciladog,there are many stories written that have lots of interesting stuff to tell,but still don't make a very good read,when this subject came up in the past i've always knew that i'd write something like that,interesting in subject but boring,and immature,as well.In that way that someone in prison a very long time would write,with that certain disconnect from reality...
One such book that comes to mind is "In a Canoe from New York to Nome",a very interesting tale of two young guys,during the Great Depression,doing just that-portaging,sailing,and paddling their Old Town lath and canvas canoe through all these waterways all the way into the Bering Sea!

There's lots of neat happening there but i paricularly liked this cute episode:Already going down the Yukon,(in a location that sounds peculiarly close to where my camp is now),they could see a cabin on the bank,and a smoke curling out of the chimney.They were getting pretty "bushy" by then,and kind of craved human company other than each other's,and stopped and walked up to the cabin.
No one answered their knocking,so they peeked inside,and were appalled;the cabin contained no furniture,other than the crude fireplace,was filthy and littered with bones and trash,and in one corner there was a pile of mouldering,rotting,law books...They made haste to get the heck out of there,but were too late,for out of the woods came the awful creature,obviously the owner of the cabin,and covered them with his antique flint-lock fowling piece.
He,the creature,was filthy and unkempt,and quite out of it mentally,very obviously.His muttering related not at all to their pleas and attempts at reasoning with him,it just kind of went on on it's own,the guy was in his own world.The only semi-coherent sounds that they could make out was "Xxxxx social democrats!"
Eventually,at a total loss for any solution to the situation,they just slowly backed away towards their boat,the Creature let them go.
They got in and paddled off,resolved not to visit anyone anymore EVER :)

(Just a side note:If ever you happen to be travelling in a remote riverine environment,the proper social ethiquette would be to stand off a little ways out in the river,hollering or letting the sound of your outboard do that for you.The sign of welcome would be the occupant coming down to the beach to meet you.If no one is visible,it's NOT ok to land,it means that no one is home,or that no company is desired,either case,unless you're familiar with the occupant,it's best to just travel on.Landing on somebody's doorstep is a pretty invasive act,and can provoke great ire :blink: ).

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jake - i know a similar version of that story, but also relate to it hugely. i love how you write it! thankyou for writing it all down - a treat in your own way of telling.... there - you could do a personal brother pog. collection of trad and othrerwise fairy tales. id read it! also you can do one about your thouights and relationship with Fe - again - a bit niche, but i'd read it!! i lknow what you mean about the story written from prison and its qualities - thats no bad thing though - just another perspective. i am not at all surprised that you wont write any of it though!! not one bit surprised! theres something about what is behind what you say and the way you say it that would make me cry my eyes out anyway if i was to read a book you wrote. ! i sometimes read your posts with a lump in my throat... dont let that worry you though or prevent your writing - its great - im in touch with tears - its fine! :)
the canoe from new york sounds fab too! i wonder if its easy to get hold of it. i might try... i LOVE to read, am a bit stuck on a cowboy theme at the moment - did you read all the pretty horses? cormac mcarthy you'll all tell me its romantisised tosh and cowboys never lived like that - but i tell you i loved it anyway - makes me want to traverse about with my pony and see the wide open spaces and tiny farms and sleep on my bed roll and not say a word (tricky - but possible and dee[ply calming) and chew dry old lumps of salty meat and drink whiskey and bitter coffee and always have my pistol to hand :rolleyes: i read blood meridian by same author recently too which was a brilliant. the canoe adventure sounds really interesting an well worth a search.....

do you know jake - we are more similar than youd think - i always stop and talk to the homless guys near where i live - there are lots -and they can have money /coffee if ive got it etc, but the other day i was walking through the town and i saw a girl i once knew (not homeless or vulnerable in any way) talking to a very down and out man i always stop to talk with. he was on the floor and the girl was sat on her bike in front of him and i stopped to say quick hello to her. i did not say anything to the man, he turned and looked at the floor, and i was a little shifty because i had a friend of mine stood behind me who was already awkward about me talking to the slightly peculiar girl. i went on my way without saying a word to the man who i actually fell pretty strongly about supporting... that was yesaterday - and it aint half ben bothering me... i know he will think i was too embarrassed to talk to him or something similar - i dont know what happened but i feel like a right useless individual and like i failed him whe n i could have reinforced my friendship. its like there was a invisible problem there.. not sure who from -me? im not sure why it happened i have thought and thought. but whatever - it did. and i feel crap today. see - i cant be ivan properly either! :( want to go and find him today. he sleeps in a churchyard.

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Beth,i can absolutely relate to the story with man on the street,but it's tough to ever really know what he may've made of that,you know,being perpetually down and out does something to ya,or you come to it being somewhat different already...But,of course,that's not the point.
More to the point is that the compassion that we have,are capable of,is somehow both very noble and very pointless,literally,as it'll more often than not be completely misunderstood,go astray in some way...That makes it even more beautiful in that hopeless,Quixotic way.We have the desire to put ourselves in the other persons place,but never an actual ability to do so.And all this is sad and beautiful enough to cry over,i can absolutely relate.

Like they say about some evil person:"He just forgot that we're all one".That's what compassion is,and that was Ivan the Savant's gift-he was actually aware that we're all one,could not differentiate between his own needs and those of others."There,but for the grace of God,go I",in part,also kind of points in that direction,slightly more logically.

Of course,i love McCarthy,"All the Pretty Horses" is great,also really liked the "Blood Meridian":)Which again brings me to that same point-writing should be inspired,by passion,i could never do it simply because my passion is all spent on metalwork(and appreciating the passionate writing of others:))

But,Brother Pogg(i like it with them two hillbilly g's)is something that i've always wanted to be!My monk friend was by to see me couple of days ago,with another Brother also,to check out the forge.It's some sort of reverse racism,in a way,to get off on hanging out with them because they're Monks,and are called Brother,but i just can't help it :)

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yes - your right of course jake- my man prob didnt even notice - but i noticed.... it is all pointless - i wish i could see some beauty in it somewhere instead of feeling overwhelmed with the
also horyfyingly many of which i too easily am involved with the minute my guard is down :( i have not slept properly all week so i may be a little grrrrrrr today, but i do find all this stuff too much - it gains such momentum so easily where the tiny bits of generosity of spirit and authenticity and integrity and compassion and mr savant get lost in space.(or do they??) only the other day i was talking to this same guy and he was sitting just outside a shelter in the town near where i live, the rain lashing down on him, unable to shift the three or four inches under the shelter of the porch of public building becasue he would have been shifted on because he is too untidy smelly whatever. so while everyone else took shelter from the rain, he had to sit a few stupid inches out and get soaked to the skin. this stuff makes my blood boil - its intolerable. and thats nothing just a small thing, but this stuff will keep me awake, ket alone the BIg STuff of life. how the hell was he meant to get dry?? i dunno i find it all deeply depressing which is why i try my hardest to show that to me, that is wrong and that we are infact all equal on gods earth.
ive slept rough many times in my teens and 20's having fun round europe, doing it mainly to keep the few pennies i had to stay longer! me and a boyfriend slept all over the place from beaches to bus stops , convents, derelict buildings, but it was a choice - we were pretty well and safe, and it was fun. how can i relate properly to the guy who is in his 40s and 50s now sleeping in a bush in the same town each night with no doubt many facted reasons as to why he has ended up there, and not at all many ways of straightening it all out.? youre dead right jake it is very complex, but it should not be too complex that a sincere but tiny attempt to balance things up is not wiorth it - thats the only way to look at it or we'd all be sleeping in a hedge with no mental coherence left at all..
glad you enjoy books in common again with me :) just looked up a bit fro pretty horses which made me not put that particular book down (there were many bits actually)

what he loved in horses was what he loved in men, the blood and the heat of the blood that ran them. All the reverence and all the fondness and all the leanings of his life were for the ardent hearted and they would always be so and never be otherwise.

i fell i love with the character at that point!

thanks jake, for your 'brothers' comment i laughed outloud at that - you just cant help it sometimes can you!! how lovely to have proper brothers for friends and aquaintences - i would indulge yourself entirely if i were you :) wish i knew some! the nearest i get are some kind of out there spiritual types, but they dont have a Name and Title like brother and therefore cant fuel the imagination quite so strongly! i think you should absolutely refere to yourself as brother pogg - you have proved a very strong theology all of your own many times over on here, own it man!!!
i dont keep asking about your friend but am fully aware that this is traveling on in time in your life whilst we waffle on in this thread - just wanted to say that, and that i sincerely hope that things are peaceful..

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jake - did you read walden and like it? i read it when i was much younger and have just thought of it re sleeping in boxs etc, i seem to remember it was very funny and engaging. may try it again at some point....

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Why,Beth,everyone knows that Dr.Seuss was a visionary,describing the Divine Mystery and the Human Condition as it relates to the Divine!
He was what C.S.Lewis was to Christianity,an apologist of the Psychodelic state,and the absolutely brilliant one!

Remember how that symbol of everything imaginative,creative,free,even,to use that much overused term,the Cat in the Hat,probes and provokes the fears and insecurities,that often prevent us from realising that God loves us?

"He's getting the house all messy and dirty,/And Mother(yes,Mother!),back home at three thirty!!!"

Kind of like that funny bumper sticker that you see on the Alaskan roads sometimes:"Jesus is coming-look busy!":)

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yes ! i think green eggs and ham is a genius example of cat in hat behaviour. i highjly rate everything ive ever read by that man - and ifact make a point of getting hold of a copy of' the places you'll go' for every new born child i encounter - i just love its vibe :)
have had a frustrating day unable to do much at all except make groups of teenage boys piles of nosh... i want to make a version of my wall braces i showed you, for a little show somewhere in town in a church- dont know much about it but its to do with 'our archetectural heritage', and i think i could squeeze that subject in...however i cant think of how i will fix them into the space - think there are plastered walls and not sure if i will only be allowed to HANG stuf rather than fix it on/in. the whole point opbviously of these shapes is that they are held very tight and close to the surface they are on, almost being pulled through from the other side - a look thats very difficult to achieve unless thats what theyre doing!! did think of mounting them in trays /boxes /frames of mud and straw mixture that i could make smooth and textured at the same time as to not detract form the ironwork... i dunno - am feeling trapped and prevented and stuck today.cant get to my workshop and yet am not truly needed here! AAARRGHGHHHHH!!! HELLLLPPPPP!!!!!!!!! what are you lot up to - something much better and more exciting i hope and pray!

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Beth, sorry for your AAARRGHGHGHHHHH. I know that feeling well. I've been sheeting the pole barn. Its not much of a project but it takes me along time to do things like this alone because of my knee. But it will be done shortly. The next project after that is six chords of wood. Delivered, split and put away for winter. Then gravel for the dog runs. Then, then, then,... the list is seemingly never ending. All of this keeps me from my true want, which is of course having to do with fire and metals and hammers and anvils. Its been a busy month for me so far.

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Hi Beth, could you not incorporate a key plate to support your brackets, all you need then is the odd screw or two to hang them on, Check if the venue has any potential hanging places that could be utilised.

Another option would be to make a freestanding four sided box to mount them to, the brackets could then be functional and at eye level.

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Beth,what you describe,those brackets with the textured backing,is SUCH a cool idea,i was instantly impressed,and excited on your behalf.It has an endless potential,even the very simplest-an impression of an Immense and Mysterious Weight,being behind there somewhere,doing something,Weighing There!!!

That is a really neat venue,a church(:)),and a great subject matter,perfect in every way.An absolutely exquisite situation,to pretend to make a straight-laced traditional architectural detail,yet,surreptitiosly(or not,or semi-...),inject this post-modernist "installation" flavor!!!The greatest,brattiest,artistic prank!Dr.Seuss would approve!

As to not being able to get to your shop...Well,since it can't be helped,to h... with it!You're doing great inventing the work,to execute it-nothing doing,that's the easy part!
But,yeah,we can all relate,i've just totally abandoned all hope for any metalwork for this whole month.

Yesterday,this little bear came my way.He's developed this irregularity,a Grendel-complex,we may call it,where he felt like he needed to be around people,make friends with them,or something similar,which drove him to lurk in people's yards and even follow them around,semi-stalking several these past two days. .
Well,the lead-poisoning for his trouble wasn't long in coming.
An autopsy was performed by yours truly,and did not show any deficit of general health,perhaps a touch too little fat for this time of year.
But this young male,3-4 year-old,was probably freshly disowned by his Mom,and was possibly timid in carving out a territory all his own,so was skinnier than the more assertive brethren of hisn.
So,the evil Dr.Pogg pronounces that the death was caused by an existential quandary of the patient.Amen.
And now we feast!





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Yep, definitely on the slim side for this time of year. Should be only about two though, if just kicked away by Mom. We had one like that rob our camp one time years ago. I rousted him out of bed in the morning just twenty yards from the tent! We should have harvested him but as it was illegal in that time and place we let him stay. Got movies though. He had taken a chicken bone wrapped in plastic from my backpack just outside the tent and only a couple feet from my head! He did it silently and sliced the canvas pack with his claws as if they'd been razors! His nose saw through that pack and plastic wrap as if they were clear glass! He was just like a kid except incredibly STRONG! That one will be a nice break from seafood for you. When I visited my buddy Charlie in Haines I was surprised to learn that Halibut was the favored fish locally... I came to realize though that the extremely mild taste of Halibut (considered BLAND back home) was a big asset where everyone had all the salmon they could stand to eat... the mild halibut flavor can be cooked to taste like many things depending on the recipe... strong salmon flavors much harder to alter.

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Excellent,Bryan,hope that you'll have a blast in the shop!(I know you will).

You know,i've no idea what gaminess even depends on,possibly,individual trait..Many a good black bear is not gamey at all.Even the ones nailed while eating fish(only an occasional deal with blackies,they don't have much access to fish).The absolutely least gamey animal that i've ever had was this brown bear,a giant boar,by all reasoning he should've stank very strong...

But,you know,the usual stuff works,burying in the earth for a day is a good way.Also,all the white man condiments,kethup,et c.,they're all mostly vinegar based(their original purpose,in fact,that,and to cover up the putrefaction).

The trouble is that if someone's way strong tasting,there may be something odd about them,check their liver,at the very least.May look for tumors,or other irregularities.

Clay,i share your wonderment.It's as if people would rather that the food was bland,taste as little as possible.Halibut often can be the Wonder(why they call it)Bread of fishes.But a good,fresh one CAN be very good,too.
The main point about ALL food from the woods and rivers is that it MUST be fresh.And if preserved,that it be done very skillfully,with great finesse.Even if we're talking hours or days.One must have some knowledge,plus the common sense(not to use a plastic bag,say,or to roll the meat in petroleum products,dirt,et c.).As soon as the animal stopped breathing,the game is in your court,and the clock is ticking.
(Yesterday i had to race,as i didn't want to gut the crittur before skinning it,but i made it,it was still good and hot,and as a result has no smell at all,one may mistaken it for a store beef,wouldn't be surprised).

It has been a very rainy summer,and many berries,blueberry especially,did not produce.Possibly it's the reason for this bear's transgression of caution.
It's a 5th one done in in Galena proper this summer,and another one showed up today...

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john - yes thanks - i could indeed do something like that although i think i would have to cut drill make a recess in the back of the work and use that as a keyhole hanger type thing, if i attatched something else i would be concerned that it would leave a shadow round the work where there was even a little gap.... is that what you meant? i am thinking that if the material was thick enough (not sure it will be) then i can burrow something into the back to hang on a small screw in the wall..
also the four sided box ( i think i will make three so triangular prism shaped box :) )might work, also... but requires something else again from me in my extremely limited free time before the 'show'.... thanks for your input... always appreciated!

bryan thanks also for the comiserations - we are not alone in this particular issue are we? what is the history with the leg? sounds like youre being very productive in other depts of your life - i know its not the same though- nothing like a creative outlet. nowt at all..! i hope you find yourself at the end of your list of tasks SOMEHOW by some miracle and then the trick is utilising the little tiny godsend of time in the best most motivated and most forward spinning way - thats always the challenge, becasue personaly speaking, it is far too easy to loose momentum and become rabbit in the headlights about any time you wander across as if by magic! like someone funny here once said in a tv progamme i think -
"its not the dissapointment - its the hope!"
that always makes me laugh cos its so true- if you could just totally resign and give up all hope of any time for your own persuits it would somehow be easier!!
and guys - jake and bryan - am totaly fascinated with your talk and summit meeting of the bear and his demise/possible flavour- i like a full flavloured item of food myself - what could be more wrteched than bland food - or CHOSEN bland food????i guess it is all relative though - and blandness might indeed be a blessed relief from overly strong food....... i have to say any wild food we have here is not really wild, its been bred to be shot by my neighbouring farms like pheasants and partridge ect, and they are jolly nice and i often have them off the road after quick inspection- but even then i dont keep them and hang them but in a very unskilled manner with a pair of scissors(SORRY GUYS) i get the bits i want, and the dogfs can have the rest. they are plentiful up here in the season so people cant get rid of them fast enough which again is madness cos they are so go od to eat... could talk long and loud about the wonder of non pasteurised items versus horrid flavour and character sapped pasteurised ones - the french do it so so well - whilst we in the uk have to homogenise and ruin everything with any flavour and tast and distinctness..... :( :( :( what to do????

now - jake - how will you eat/cook that bear? :)

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Hi Beth, yes keyhole shape in workpiece and a countersunk screw in the wall, set it right and the angle on the underside of the screw head will let the piece down so it sits against the wall flus (if its a flat wall, otherwise it will fit where it touches).

I suggested the four sided box as being into timber, hubby could cut you four planks, and studded bar through would secure them together, (two wide planks, two narrower planks) then it will flat pack for transportation

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yes thanks john- i imagined you meant timber - i am at this moment wondering about how that would look - have an even more bratish (thanks jake - i take it wholely as a compliment from you! ;) )solution forming because im not sure about if you could see enough pressure screwed down on wood (or however attached)(thus the muddy idea) but i could' clothe' the wood in some wooly 'giving' material so that you can clearly and visibley see the pressure... or actually i could burn (with heated piece -this idea has been lingering for a while and wont let me be!) INTO the wood, kind of locating it in its own personally shaped burn/pressure mark/hole/recess... then its just a wooden prism stand type thing,maybe if its not enough pressure, covered in something dense and pleasant and reminding of building material.... that grey carpet underlay? yellow roof insulation - now - i can do brat all day long.... :)

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Beth,all those are great ideas.Also,any kind of wood,especially the softer/coniferous sort,can be smashed in pretty darn well,using some mechanical force on the iron,like a press(put the stuff on a patch of pavement and jack down with a hydraulic or any other kind of jack,off of your rover bumper :)).
Your PH may do a job on it,too :)

I'm not much of a cook,so with the bear recipes whatever is way over-cooked works best.Many bears in Alaska carry the trichonella worm,quite a nasty little inconvenience:It's not so much the worms boring through your internal tissues and organs on their way to make their cozy nest,as much as that they like to nest directly among the nerve fibers...
The vaccine,if you're lucky to get a hold of it,can only be administered after the symptoms manifest,so it's a joyous experience altogether!:)

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