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Hey Guys, and gals, My slogan for Las Vegas is in the running to win, and I could use some more votes to clinch it.

My slogan is Vegas, the year round playground.

www.kxnt.com look for the header promoting the slogan contest. You don't need to live here to vote. Voting ends at 5pm PST today (Friday the 20th)

Thanks in advance.



Thanks guys!

Woo Hoo! I got second place which is fine by me, since I won a $100 gift certificate to Paymon's Mediterranean restaurant.

When they announced the winners, the news guy said that mine should have won. Then later when I called the station the receptionist told me that they were hoping mine would win. I guess it all comes down to who worked their social network the best. The winner was not even on the radar yesterday, then by this morning had doubled my percentage. I am happy with how I did, and the prize I won. I'm a foodie, so it will be put to good use.

ThomasPowers; yep, I know about LV New Mexico. Someday I would like to get to NM to do some traveling to see the state. If I do, I will hit you up for some suggestions for what not to miss.

Thanks to all of you again,


Right on Bigun- I would have voted for ya but I was too busy tanking up on sushi, me and the misses went out to celebrate my new job

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