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I Forge Iron

Uri? Hofi? Uri Hofi? Mr. Hofi?


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Mr. Hofi, I have nothing but the absolute deepest respect for you, and your work. Which brings me to my question: I notice that in a lot of your posts, folks address you by Uri, or Hofi, or Mr. Hofi. I've personally never thought it sounded overly respectful to address a person by their last name alone, with no Sir, or Mrs., or so on.
So, would you happen to have a preference as to how you'd like to be addressed? Now, on the other end of the spectrum, you and anyone else can call me whatever you like, be it Robert, Bob, Bobby, Rhrocker, Rocker, Hey You!, nothing offends me, I just happy when someone wants to chat with me, or about me (usually).
Anyway, I just wanted to clear this up in my mind anyway. After all, no one that I know of addresses Frank as Turley!

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IMHO It may not be as disrespectful as it seems, many have met, talked, learnt, and worked with him over what is quite a long period of time, and so converse on this site as we would in a face to face situation, others may take liberties, and that is their way,(for whatever reason)

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That's my way of thinking also. Besides, he has tools that we refer to like "Hofi Hammer", and not Mr. Hofi Hammer.
I wonder why the posts/replies aren't showing? (at least they aren't for me).

Because the post got moved. If you're viewing it in the section where you originally posted it, the replies don't show, just the topic.
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Because the post got moved. If you're viewing it in the section where you originally posted it, the replies don't show, just the topic.

When you click the link in the first section, it takes you to the proper section. So they "all" are showing, there was only one reply to his first post. His "complaint" was post number 3.
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When you click the link in the first section, it takes you to the proper section. So they "all" are showing, there was only one reply to his first post. His "complaint" was post number 3.

By "replies not showing" I assumed he meant the number of replies/views in the "Stats" column in the list of topics. Which just shows "--" for moved topics, instead of the number of replies/views. Not to totally derail this topic or anything. :P
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I guess that I am showing my age because when talking to people, especially anyone my age or older, I call them Mr. but that is how I was raised.

However when talking about famous people like Cher, Bono, etc, I confess to using their single name because they are so famous that everyone knows who you are referring to. I consider Mr. Hofi a superstar too, but when talking *to* him directly I would still refer to him as Mr. Hofi as a show of respect.

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It seems Hofi states the answer in this interview.

Ok, my question is answered. I went to the page with the interview, and the first rattle
out of the box he was asked what he liked to be called. His answer:

Uri Hofi: "Let me tell you something, when I was a child in the kindergarten, were 5 boys with the name of Uri. To solve the dilemma, everybody was called by his family name. Since then, till now, everybody calls me Hofi."

Thanks to all that responded!
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